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This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes all the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

A teacher produced workbook containing activities focused solely on database parts. The resource consists of a section on databases, a discussion of the pros and cons of flat file databases versus relational databases  which leads into how to create tables, insert data into them and then interact with them using...

A series of 20 activities related to Data Representation in the GCSE Syllabus. Activities include worksheets on Binary (including addition, shifting and conversions), character encoding systems, various aspects of how audio files are created and stored, Huffman Tree encodings, Denary and Hexadecimal conversions,...

Although this activity is not in the form of a lesson plan, the activity illustrates a good series of steps that students could either work through as a class, or in smaller groups/pairs. They could then be asked to pick from a selection of...

This book is about learning how to use Geometer's Sketchpad and how to create interactive files.

It includes two kinds of activities:

  • Detailed worked examples with step-by-step instructions for using key techniques.
  • More open Try this activities invite you to apply techniques and...

Charlie Taylor’s Behaviour Checklists, Getting the Simple Things Right, look at the simple things that should be put in place to create good behaviour for learning. It includes the two lists 'key principles for headteachers to help improve school behaviour' and 'behaviour checklist for teachers'.

Perfect for aspiring coders everywhere, Girl Code is the story of two teenage tech phenoms who met at Girls Who Code summer camp, teamed up to create a viral video game...

Global project ideas provide an excellent starting point for pupils wanting to do a project based on Global issues, whether as part of the CREST Awards Scheme;  as an extended project for their Duke of Edinburgh Award or A level, or as part of the Children’s University Passport.

Each of the five Global...

This case study describes how an inclusive approach to attendance and punctuality can improve overall success rates for learners with a declared disability or health condition, many of whom were formerly not in education, employment or training.

This fully working Python project demonstrates a method of creating a gradient fill, to add depth to flat looking rectangles. It also shows how to use transparency effects to change the shape of gradient filled surfaces, how to plot points of a circle, and some examples of why you would want to do so. The activity...

The UK population is ageing. This resource collection explores how technology will support people to live longer, independent lives and why the needs of an ageing population will create demand for...

This collection of careers related posters can be used to showcase some of the Grand Challenges that Government, universities and employers are working together to try and solve.

These posters cover four Grand Challenges:

  • ...

The Grand Challenges – Our Futures Programme aims to raise the profile of the Industrial Strategy Grand Challenge themes to young people across the UK, supporting them to make career decisions based on what lies in the future, not the past.

These free-to-access resources have been collated to support your...

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This book traces the exploits of the computer revolution's original hackers - those brilliant and eccentric nerds from the late...

Ian Livingstone is one of the founding fathers of the British gaming industry. In Hacking the Curriculum, he and Shahneila Saeed explain the critical importance of...
