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This student survey can be used to measure student attitudes towards the STEM subjects and their interest in careers in the STEM sector.

It is also a useful 'before and after' tool for measuring the impact of activities such as off-timetable days or STEM...

A Catalyst article about practical chemistry experiments and the risks involved. The article helps in identifying, assessing and controlling the risks involved, it also includes a guide to the warning signs, labels and symbols used in laboratories.

This article is from Catalyst: GCSE Science Review 2004,...

A Catalyst article about why human beings need salt (sodium chloride) in their diets to survive, but too much can be toxic. Where does salt come from, and what is it used for? This article looks at salt extraction and mining in England, the domestic and industrial uses of salt as well as its molecular structure....

This document from the Department of Education looks at how St Gregory's Catholic Science College uses weekend detentions to deter behaviour. The resource explores the Saturday detentions and the visibility of senior staff, as part of the managing behaviour and bullying in schools case studies.

Published in August 2013 by the The National STEM Learning Centre and Network, the aim of this research project was to identify the range of factors that shape senior leadership team decisions with regards to STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)...

This bulletin, the second edition in the series published by the Schools Council, reports on the many changes that were happening generally in primary schools and specifically in mathematics teaching. The period under review follows the publication of the Mathematical...

Produced by the Learning Skills Improvement Service (LSIS), this case study tackles the theme of progression through STEM subjects and careers. It describes how a careers day was used to widen students' knowledge of available opportunities in STEM-related fields. City and Islington College felt that students...

The Nuffield Foundation convened two seminars involving science educators from nine European countries. The seminars were held in June and December of 2006. The seminars investigated the extent to which the issues of the decreasing interest of young people in science and technical subjects were common across Europe...

A report published by the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee (the 10th report of the session 2005-06), it focuses on secondary education in England, with regard to: *student attitudes and choices, and the effect on the take-up of science at GCSE and beyond *teaching methods *the recruitment and...

A study published in 2016 in Educational Researcher looks at the profile of science achievement gaps to the age of 14. The researchers used data from the US Early Childhood Longitudinal Study,
Kindergarten Class of 1998-1999 (ECLS-K), which followed 7,757 children from kindergarten (Year 1) to eighth...

A Catalyst article about training as a technician after GCSEs. With an apprenticeship scheme it is possible to start a career at 16, keep learning to acquire qualifications – and get paid. It is quite possible to obtain a permanent job at the end of the apprenticeship. Many different companies up and down the...

This report, produced by the Royal Society, has a triple purpose:

• to provide a summary of the quantitative information that is available on attainment and the workforce in respect of 5–14 science and mathematics education across the UK

• to explain the factors considered to have been influential in...

Science for the Young School Leaver was one of a series of informal publications by the Schools Council. Schools Council Working Paper Number 1 started a series to make widely available information about curriculum development projects while still in their formative...

This report from Ofsted focused on the initial teacher training (ITT) in science for primary teachers. The inspection survey took place during the academic year 2000/01. At the time recent inspections of primary initial teacher training (ITT) had focused on training to teach either english or mathematics and also...

The purpose of The Science of Learning is to summarize the existing research from cognitive science related to how students learn, and connect this research to its practical implications for teaching and learning.

This document identifies six key questions about learning that should be relevant to nearly...
