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Find out how engineers who work in disaster response save lives on a massive scale. This Tomorrow’s Engineers poster and accompanying teacher booklet, activities and a lesson plan will help students to understand the scale and impact of disaster response engineering.

Many types of engineering are employed in...

What is the common link between chocolate biscuits and orangutans? In this activity aimed at ages 8-9, children learn about rainforests, their location, structure and some of the animals and plants that live in them. They look at rainforests in Sumatra and how deforestation has occurred in order to grow oil palm...

These resources, provided by The AstraZeneca Science Teaching Trust, include materials produced as part of The Cambridgeshire SEN Science Project which brought together a group of special schools and developed a scheme of work and an assessment/recording framework for...

These resources, provided by The AstraZeneca Science Teaching Trust, include materials produced as part of The Cambridgeshire SEN Science Project which brought together a group of special schools and developed a scheme of work and an assessment/recording framework for science.

These STRATA (Science To Raise...

This guide, from the National STEM Learning Centre and Network, draws on the advice of a number of experienced senior science technicians on how to set up a technician network. A local science technician network is a great way to share expertise, solve problems, gather ideas and to carry out cost effective...

This publication, from Her Majesty's Stationery Office, sets out the government’s priorities for science education as expressed by them in 1985. It builds on the outcomes of a consultation on the document ‘Science Education in Schools’, which was published in 1982. It seeks to establish the principle of ‘Science...

The Handbook is designed to guide Science Co-ordinators as they support the development of the science curriculum in their schools. It does this by helping co-ordinators to:
*understand the SPACE approach
*introduce the SPACE approach in their schools

An ASE SYCD: Science Year Primary resource which provides almost everything you need to help you run an exciting and successful science fair in your school. Themes include Living It Up, Magic Materials, Fabulous Forces, Superb Sound, Lovely Light and Excellent Electricity. Lots of advice on how to plan and organise...

The Teaching Primary Science book Science from water play contains many suggestions for organisation and for activities arising from water play with infants to more structured investigations of floating and sinking with older children. It discusses equipment and...

The Teaching Primary Science book Science from Wood was intended to complement the two texts in the Science 5/13 series Working with wood, stages one and...

This resource published by ASE provides a template for successful bridging activities in the transition between primary and secondary schools. Science Passport offers a choice of investigations and structured follow-ups relevant to school science. The adapted version...

The Nuffield Junior Science project team wrote this book to highlight the benefits in primary schools that arise from the system of assigning one teacher to a class. The authors made the point that this enables the teacher to present children with the world as a unified...

Science and Literacy was written by people from the Nuffield Primary Science Project and the Exeter Extending Literacy Project at a time when there was renewed emphasis on teaching about literacy in primary schools. The approach recommended in the book is based on the...

This Ofsted publication describes factors affecting the low take-up of science and mathematics post-16 identified for the year 1992-93. These were: the status of science in our culture; the nature of science and mathematics as school subjects; the organisation of schools; the curriculum; science and mathematics...

Aimed at primary level, this pack contains activities that can be done with materials easily found at home. These activities are an ideal way for the whole family to take part in science activities without needing hours of preparation. The activities cover a mixture of topics including: changing state, properties...
