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In this Nuffield ...

This engineering resource, produced by Mathematic in Education and Industry (MEI) for the Royal Academy of Engineering, asks the question: how can you predict future power requirements? Students are required to complete a table by substituting values into a formula and plot a graph. The activity offers good...

This guidance is aimed at businesses and other organisations looking to provide support and inspiration for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in schools.  It is based on consultation with teachers, further developed through debate between teachers, businesses and learned societies.  Teachers...


Protecting Your Head, from the Centre for Science Education, is a set of teaching materials which offer a cross-curricular approach to learning about engineering. The context for the activities is the design of head protection for snowboarders where the risk of injury...

From the LSIS, these materials cover two sessions designed to take students through the basic principles of manipulating and solving equations. The learners work through building an equation, checking the equation and solving the equation. They are then asked to create their own equation and swap it with a partner...

This engineering resource, produced by Mathematics in Education and Industry (MEI) for the Royal Academy of Engineering, asks the question: how can production outcome data from a manufacturing process be analysed to optimise the process? Students consider the outputs of resistors to see the outcomes form a normal...

From NASA, these activities look at the scientific, technological, engineering and mathematical foundations of rocketry to provide exciting classroom opportunities for authentic hands-on experimentation. Rockets have formed the basis of space exploration.

Extensive teachers' notes, guidance and lesson plans...

These materials use the land speed record attempt as a context for teaching about the irreversible changes and energy transfers that occur in BLOODHOUND SSC’s rocket engine.

The BLOODHOUND SuperSonic Car (SSC) World...

Produced by Rolls-Royce, the associated resources in this toolkit help students to make the connection between STEM subjects studied in school or college and possible future career opportunities. The materials illustrate the really exciting opportunities which open up to them through studying STEM subjects. The...

These guidance resources are provided by the British Science Association, with support from Intel Education. They give guidance that includes both attending a STEM fair and running an event. There are three sections:


Provided by the British Science Association, with support from Intel Education, these resources provide an insight into a range of activities involved in organising and taking part in STEM fairs. They include contributions from a teacher taking part in STEM competitions...

These materials are provided by the British Science Association and supported by Intel. They aim to give an overview of the types of activities that happen at STEM fairs. The guide is useful in preparing students when visiting a fair. It also covers some of the key...
