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In this activity children practise using scales to weigh different items of packaging. They then calculate how many of each item could be made from an average tree. 

The resource, which provides an authentic context for maths learning has been proved by the IET, (Institution of Engineering and Technology)....

Donald Palmer's job involves studying, and teaching others how, the human body protects itself from infections and malfunctions, including cancer. He is especially interested in the way the immune system changes with age, and examines the surfaces of human cells using chemicals and instruments.

As a child...

In this resource children are challenged to create a Jurassic forest in the classroom. They explore the kinds of animals and plants that would have lived there and find similarities and differences to plants living today. The activities link to aspects of learning about living things in their environment and the...

The Double Crossed project was developed by the Centre for Science Education and supported by the Astra Zeneca Teaching Trust as a collaboration between science and history teachers to produce cross-curricular resources.

The project aim was to make science learning more accessible, effective and enjoyable by...

Developed by the Centre for Science Education and supported by the Astra Zeneca Teaching Trust, the Double and Triple Crossed projects aimed to bring science and history together to increase engagement in science through topic based, contextualised learning.

The project enabled thirteen science and history...

This resource aimed at 9-11 year olds, provides a video showing  Edward Jenner's work on developing a vaccine for smallpox over 200 years ago. A follow-up activity explores how modern-day scientists make sure a new vaccine works and is safe. Children use what they have learned to...

This Pedagogics resource displays a quote from Dr Haim Ginott entitled "I have come to a frightening conclusion".

This logic problem involves two activities exploring what initially appear to be conflicting statements. In the first problem, a teacher draws horses on a sheet of paper and holds the sheet up to the class, asking ‘how many horses do you see altogether’. One student replies ‘three’ and is told correct, the second...

This report presents and evaluates an interactive exhibition which celebrated a year in the life of a newt. Held in 2012 as part of National Science and Engineering Week, the aim of the exhibition was to improve basic knowledge of newts; their classification, lifecycle and UK species.

This paper, presented at the Using STEM Research Conference in May 2016, reports on an approach, that could be used in primary classrooms, to develop the kinds of process skills that could enable children to comprehend a more scientific way of looking at the world through improvisation as a scientist-in-...

This resource, aimed at Key Stage Two, covers the topic areas of plants and animals in the environment and helping plants grow well. In the form of a play script, Growing Pains takes a humorous look at what plants need to grow. Carbunckle a robot, Princess Creosote an alien and Joseph Soap the gardener, meet in a...

This resource, from the Association for Science Education (ASE), is a play script for students studying the Solar System. The play can be used as a stimulus for students to write their own scripts exploring other bodies in the Solar System.

Written by teachers at Paddock Wood Primary School, Tonbridge, the...

An ASE SYCD: Science Year Primary resource which comprises an outline for managing an active session that helps to illustrate and explain the structure of solids, liquids and gases. Groups of pupils decide how they will physically represent the structure of states of materials. Developments are given that test the...
