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This Mathematics Matters case study looks at how Formula One teams use mathematical methods such as fluid mechanics and Navier-Stokes equations to improve performance. Every second counts in the fast-paced world of Formula One, so race teams use advanced mathematics to squeeze the best performance out of their cars...


Fat is essential. In these articles we get to grips with the world of fats and lipids to find out what they do, not just inside us and other organisms but also understand our dependence on fats and relationship with the world around us.


Published by the Wellcome Trust, the 'Big Picture' explores issues around biology and medicine.

Fat is a word that carries a lot of weight, conjuring up topics as diverse as obesity, hibernating animals, and what we eat and how we cook it. This issue of the Big Picture looks at the fats and lipids to find...

Lipids are essential components of membranes and even communication.

Summary of the carbon bonds in fatty acids and triglycerides.

Fat is essential for a balanced diet – how do we process it, and what is the link with obesity?

This booklet in the Unilever Advanced Series was published in 1994. Unlike the earlier booklets published in the 1960s, this booklet includes both theory and practical work. The text includes questions for students and updates the previous booklet on The Chemistry of Glycerides...

A Catalyst article investigating a few of the uses of naturally occurring oils. These oils are extracted from animal fats or plant seeds and can be turned into a variety of compounds including soaps, fuel and margarine. The article looks at oils as fuels, their use in paint and detergents and problems with their...


Students examine the sugar content of potatoes in relation to emerging interest in the carcinogen acrylamide produced when potatoes are cooked at high temperatures. Employing cutting-edge techniques to genetically modify E. coli bacteria, they will insert the jellyfish gfp gene to make the...

This mathematical activity provides students with the opportunity to solve a realistic animal care problem and become active problem-solvers. Students are encouraged to make a mathematical model of a real-life situation, identifying and incorporating relevant factors, obtain information relevant to the problem,...

This resource provides examples of solving problems using Fermi Estimates. These examples are similar to the ones covered in the resource "Estimates From Limited Data". The tasks may be suitable for group and internet access may be beneficial.


This resource contains a short presentation which introduces three problems where approximate solutions can be calculated.

The first activity asks students to use Fermi estimation to calculate the quantity of tea used in China in a three month period. Students are also invited to calculate an estimate of the...
