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Published in 2009 by LSIS , this report describes an action research project performed at Longley Park College. Psychology is now officially recognised as a Science GCE subject with the QCA, this has meant that according to the 2008 specifications psychology will incorporate ‘How Science Works’ principles.


This video demonstrates how the pressure exerted by the atmosphere (10,000kg on an average person) can implode a large drum when the air inside the drum is removed (Heat water to vaporise and remove all air. Condense the vapour by cooling the drum). 


The scientists states that...

This Core Maths activity explores exchange rates and international commerce. Students are asked to compare five different countries’ manufacturing costs and decide which option would be the cheapest.

Import/Export: Lesson plan
This lesson plan includes suggested scaffolding and...

Produced by the Learning Skills Improvement Service (LSIS), this case study tackles the themes of curriculum development and progression through STEM. Written by New College Durham, it details the strategies that were implemented over a two year period to improve student engagement and achievement at A level...

Classifying shapes:
the objective of this activity is to reflect on the Improving Learning in Mathematics session Mostly Shape and Space Session SS1. The activity asks teachers to consider what knowledge...

This Standards Unit: Improving Learning in Mathematics book explains the underlying principles behind the development of the 'Active Learning' approaches in the materials. The Standards Unit: Improving Learning in Mathematics resources were produced as a response to the Smith report. The resources use "Active...

Produced by the Learning Skills Improvement Service (LSIS), this case study looks at a collaborative project with seven providers from the Learning and Skills Sector working with STEMNET in the North West of England. The study describes how providers were identified who were interested in embedding enrichment and...

In spring 2011 Ofsted conducted a survey of good practice in science in general further education and sixth form colleges in England. Inspectors visited 15 college science departments to observe teaching and learning and evaluate the quality of provision and departmental leadership and management.


This resource sets out the knowledge, skills and understanding that trainee teachers will need in order to be able to manage their students’ behaviour. Effective teacher training incorporates activities and teaching that leads to these outcomes and prepares trainees to manage behaviour confidently and with...

Produced by the Learning Skills Improvement Service (LSIS), this case study looks at the themes of curriculum development and innovation in STEM. The project aimed to utilise existing practitioner-produced resources to support engineering teaching and learning.

By creating a collaboration between providers...

The Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS) have produced this series of resources to encourage practitioners to develop their skills and enhance their students' learning. There are a range of topics covered and these include:
* Talking about teaching and learning
* Managing group learning...


Produced by the Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS), this series of resources provide interactive and lively theory sessions for science lessons. Originally produced in the form of CD-Roms and DVDs, the resources can be viewed online. They are intended to stimulate discussion about teaching and learning...

This paper, published to coincide with Science and Engineering Week 2013, presents evidence from research carried out by the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) to explore how to encourage further engagement in, and take-up of, STEM subjects. It discusses why STEM education is important and looks at...

This action research report from Henley College, was published by LSIS in 2009. The project looked at incorporating data logging equipment into practical sessions. Fully integrated, it provides learners with autonomy to complete their own scientific investigations. Students were required to make good use of...
