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This intermediate-level guide shows how BASH scripts can be used to handle files and to integrate other programming languages such as Perl. String manipulation features heavily in the exercises. A challenge is set to use a Python program along with a shell script.

This Powerpoint presentation from the May 2016 Research Conference looks at the issues facing teachers in using evaluation in their CPD activities and illustrates how to do this more effectively.

Author: Irina Kudenko

Produced  in 2009 by the Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS), these case studies describe work done by practitioners to explore the effective embedding of functional skills in STEM teaching and learning. As well as focusing on functional mathematics, these projects explore a range of issues relevant to...

These resources have been produced by The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC). Activities explore the work of people who develop and test blends of PVC for use in medical equipment.

Topics covered include how PVC is produced, why PVC is used for medical applications and how it is tested with...

A short starter activity for students of all ages. It would make a good introduction to lessons on robotics or artificial intelligence and could spark a discussion on how neural networks might be used to create human-like behaviour. Equally, when discussing HCI design, it might move the debate beyond keyboard and...

Produced by the Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS), these case studies describe work done by practitioners focusing on engaging employers with STEM teaching and learning in order to develop courses and materials that effectively meet employers’ needs and arm students with relevant, up to date industry...

From the Learning Skills Improvement Service (LSIS), this document summarises their Exploring Improvements in Teaching and Learning Through Employer Engagement project. It looked at developing links between institutions and employers in the Post-16 sector. The outcomes of the project can be seen in the series of...

This report represents the culmination of a year’s worth of work through a literature review, workshops and surveys looking at employer engagement in schools. It aims to draw out current best practice and make recommendations on next steps to share that more widely. It forms part of a strategic direction taken by...

There is widespread agreement about the importance of mathematics for individuals and for wider society. The Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME) believes that all students should receive high quality mathematics teaching from teachers who are themselves professional learners. A world-class education...

Produced by the Learning Skills Improvement Service (LSIS), this case study looks at the theme of harnessing technology. It describes how Highbury College moved the use of their virtual learning environment (VLE) from being mostly a document repository to a vehicle for interactive teaching, learning and assessment...

This Catalyst article looks at harlequin ladybirds, just one of the invasive species that has spread through Western Europe. Over the last century there has been a dramatic increase in the movement of so called alien species around the world as a consequence of international trade and travel. Invasive alien species...

This Catalyst article looks at plant and animal species. Plant and animal species may be endemic, native or alien, this article looks at examples of each on the Galápagos Islands.

This article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2016, Volume 27, Issue 1.


This booklet contains a range of suggested activities and contexts for teaching about energetics at A level. Curriculum links include enthalpy changes, bond enthalpy, enthalpy cycles, practical, Hess's Law, calculations,...

These technical briefs focus on energy access as a key element in lifting people out of poverty. In remote locations small-scale renewable...

