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This resource is a summary of a seminar organised by SCORE (Science Community Representing Education) in November 2009. The seminar aimed to discuss the purpose and methods of assessment of practical work in science. It also looked at the current GCSE specifications and the key philosophical differences of the...

This Core Maths resource assesses students’ understanding of statistical ideas including data classification, sampling techniques and the calculation and interpretation of the mean and inter-quartile range. The given data allows...

This Core Maths resource assesses students’ understanding of the statistical ideas data classification, sampling and bias, stem and leaf diagrams, histograms, cumulative frequency graphs, averages and inter-quartile range.

There are teachers' notes and a separate mark scheme....

This activity, available in three different programming languages, requires students to ‘dry run’ written code and work out what it does. This is a useful skill for programming, which tests their understanding of assignment and subsequent changes to variables within programs. They step through code and analyse the...

Pamela is an assistant accountant for Chaucer Insurance, she discusses her role in this video. Pamela is responsible for paying all the bills for her office. After A-levels Pamela studied Human Sciences at university without having a clear idea of what she eventually wanted to do as a career. After university she...

Ian is an assistant management accountant at Addenbrookes hospital, he discusses his role in this video. Ian decided against going to university and started work aged 18 in the accountancy department at the hospital where he has been supported in his studies and is still working towards becoming a qualified...

The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASAB) supports research and education about animal behaviour. It provides support to teachers in schools and colleges in teaching animal behaviour, from primary schools to sixth forms. In addition they provide general advice on behavioural methods, statistics,...

This collection of materials is produced by the Association of Teachers of Mathematics (ATM).
The collection contains three sub collections: Resources for the Primary Mathematics Classroom, Resources for the Secondary Mathematics Classroom and articles from the ATM Journal "Mathematics Teaching".


The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) provides a wide range of resources for use by teachers and students. Many of the materials link topics studied in the classroom to their applications in industry and research. In addition to interactive resources across the 5-19 age groups, this...

On 30th June in 1908 the largest asteroid in recorded history smashed into Earth in Siberia. This date is now used as an opportunity to highlight the risks of asteroids to equipment in space and the Earth; and their positive effects such as their role in the formation of the solar system and asteroid impact sites...

A collection of resources about asteroids, meteorites and comets.

This resource features five inspiring people who developed Bridget, a six-wheeled ExoMars rover. 

Bridget is a prototype of the vehicle that will be the largest and most sophisticated vehicle ever to visit Mars.


Astrium is Europe’s largest space company, employing 3,500 people in the UK alone. Astrium produces some of the world’s leading edge earth observation, science and telecommunication satellites in one of the most exciting sectors of the engineering profession. 


In 2016, European Space Agency Astronaut, Tim Peake, carried out a series of experiments on the International Space Station, using equipment designed by the National Space Academy.

The overall programme includes the following topics from UK physics and chemistry secondary school curricula:

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