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Published in November 2014, this summary report (based on research conducted by the National Foundation for Educational Research) investigates the impact of a range of STEM leadership CPD programmes targeted at leaders and teachers of STEM subjects in primary and secondary schools and colleges.

The full...

Published in October 2015, this report from the ISOS Partnership is an evaluation of the impact and benefits of schools engaging with subject-specific science continuing professional development (CPD) from the National Science Learning Network (NSLN) and the National STEM Centre (STEM Learning).

The full...

Published in November 2014, this report from the Office for Public Management (OPM) evaluates the impact of the ENTHUSE Cluster programme with the third cohort of schools.

The full collection of STEM Learning impact and evaluation research reports can be viewed...

This collection holds a variety of evaluation reports and reviews that cover a range of projects around STEM initiatives and policy. Reports in the collection cover research into: * STEM cross-curricular work (STEM Pathfinder) * mentoring support for science and mathematics teachers (Starting Out) * scale and...

This resource introduces programming techniques including Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and Event-Driven Programming (EDP).

The article consists of the full code for a working computer game. it could be used as a basis for adapting code for other purposes, or as a tool to aid understanding of code...


In this collection of videos, television presenter Dallas Campbell introduces ways that you can find engineering in our everyday lives, and introduces activities that allow us to be engineers in our own homes. 

Dallas Campbell shows how you can get involved in engineering from your own home.  T...

This engaging and well thought-out booklet highlights the wide variety of careers and job roles available in the logistics and transportation industries. It is full of useful information and guidance to help pupils make decisions about their future subject and course choices and how these lead into future job roles...

Published by the Wellcome Trust, the 'Big Picture' explores issues around biology and medicine. Why does Darwinian evolution raise controversy when, say, quantum mechanics scarcely registers on the public consciousness?


This book from the SISCON series starts with Darwin's ideas about natural selection; including the religious and scientific reactions. It then discusses some of the achievements and problems of genetics up to the 1980s.


A Catalyst article looking at the evidence for evolution and which considers the ongoing conflict between scientists and creationists. The work of Charles Darwin is central to the article which summarises his theory of natural selection and also covers creation myths and creationists.

This article is from...

From Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS), this practical activity was developed for Scottish Highers specifications, but the protocol can equally well be used for other specifications. 

Students prepare and stain roots, and then examine them to establish the frequency of mycorrhizae. 


Published by LSIS, this case study is based on work done by Longley Park Sixth Form College. The college recognised that they needed to bridge the gap between GCSE and A level and that only engaging with students once they arrived at college, post-16, was too late. To rectify this, Longley Park gained funding from...
