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Carom Maths provides this resource for teachers and students of A Level mathematics.

This presentation challenges students to use the rules they have been given to develop a logical system and deduce theorems which prove that the system is complete and consistent and introduces the idea of truth tables to...

Using the context of archaeological science, students investigate the food and diet of the people of Stonehenge and the nearby settlement of Durrington Walls, 4500 years ago. There are opportunities for students to test rates of reactions between milk and acids or enzymes used in cheese making, to consider the...

The introduction to this problem involves modelling a race from one tree to another, and the requirement to touch a fence on the way. The challenge is to determine the...

In this SATIS Revisited resource students consider the conflict between the increasing use of energy and the need to reduce the use of fossil fuels in order to lessen carbon dioxide emissions and tackle climate change.

The aim of this unit is to introduce the idea that the discussion of controversial issues...

This Cape Farewell video clip provides a general introduction to the voyage of The Noorderlicht to Svalbard and to the Cape Farewell scientists Simon, Val and Sarah. The scientists discuss their work with two teachers, Mike and Subathra.

The presentation called...

Produced by Understanding Animal Research, this resource is a Key Stage Three science or citizenship activity looking at malaria, one of the world's greatest killers.

Why is such a small amount of research funding dedicated to this serious condition? Why should it take a celebrity sufferer, Cheryl Cole, to...

The poster ‘The Never-Ending Battle for Fortress Plant’ illustrates ideas about plant defences against pathogens. It depicts the plant as a fortress which is defended against invading pathogens. The poster is accompanied by a presentation, which can be used as a step-by-step walk-through of the ideas in the poster...

Published in May 2016, this empirical study explores the enactment of Japanese Lesson Study by science teachers in four secondary schools in England. The aim of the study is to develop a deeper understanding of Lesson Study (LS) as a model of teacher professional development (PD). Lesson Study (jugyou kenkyuu)...

This activity supports learning in science and history, using the context of Dr Edward Jenner’s work on developing a vaccine for Smallpox.
Using a wide range of secondary sources of information children find out about different people’s views on vaccination in the early 1880’s. Using this information they can...

This activity supports learning in history and English, using the context of the context of Dr Edward Jenner’s work on developing a vaccine for Smallpox. It introduces the concept of historical evidence and helps children start to use primary and secondary sources to respond to simple history questions. The...

This paper from the May 2016 Using STEM Research Conference investigates the ways in which real world contexts can be used in D&T lessons, from local projects such as community gardening to global concerns such as climate change.

Author: Kay Stables

This play explores how other countries provide food for us in the UK and the impact that this has on the environment and local people. A family are transported to various locations in the World in...

This task is designed to assess how well students understand various aspects of the number system.

There are a series of short tasks on using a calculator, working with fractions, directed numbers, and extending a multiplication fact.

As an example:

12345679 x 27 = 333 333 333


This lesson plan and classroom presentation explores some of the skills and knowledge needed to work in the field of biomechanical engineering. Combining knowledge from Biology, Design and Technology and Engineering, it asks students to investigate the design and development of a prosthetic arm. 


In this resource pupils will examine and compare different kinds of rocks and learn that all rocks are made from a mixture of minerals. They will discover that igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks are the three main types of rock which are formed in different ways and their different properties mean they can...
