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In this activity children choose a name and logo for their pizza business. They then learn where a range of food that comes from and role play simple food chains. They then build their own food chains.

This is the first in a series of activities where children work towards an end goal of setting up a pizza...

In this activity children learn about what plants need to grow. They also find out where the ingredients to make pizza come from.  They then set up an investigation to see which plants grow the fastest during ‘The great ingredient race’ activity.

This is the second in a series of activities where children...

In this activity children are introduced to the idea of market research as an engaging and meaningful context for Maths learning. Through this, they learn how to design a simple survey to understand their potential pizzeria customers’ preferences and construct a pictogram to display their findings.

This is...

In this activity children think about eating healthily and the nutrients included in each food group. Using this learning, they are then challenged to use a range of seasonal ingredients to design a food flag pizza that they can sell in their British pizzeria businesses.

This is the fourth in a series of...

In this activity children make the food flag pizza that they have designed using the ingredients that they have been growing. This is an excellent opportunity to apply maths in a real-life context.

This is the fifth in a series of activities where children work towards an end goal of setting up a pizza...

In this activity children design and make takeaway packaging and promotional material for their British pizzerias. Cross-curricular English opportunities are built in when the children plan and perform their own television advertisement.

This is the sixth in a series of activities where children work towards...

In this activity children set up their pizzerias and practise working with money and paying for items using different combinations of coins. To add more real-life context, this stage could be completed as an after school event that parents could be invited to.

This is the seventh in a series of activities...

Carom Maths provides this resource for teachers and students of A Level mathematics.

The Fibonacci sequence is an example of a linear recurrence relation (LRS). A matrix is used to calculate future terms, as well as running the sequence backwards to see how many zeroes appear. Algebra is used to prove the...

Zoos is a PowerPoint template from the Association for Science Education (ASE) for students to produce their own presentation on the habitat, adaptations and feeding relationships of a particular animal.

The activity improves students' ability to select relevant information for a presentation, develops their...

This resource challenges students to design an energy plan for an island so that it can become self-sufficient and to consider not only how but also why they might want to do that. Students must design an energy supply system for the island that does not rely on fossil fuels. As well as making decisions about how...
