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In this Christmas maths activity from the IET, children are tasked with making a brand new uniform for Santa's elves and calculating the number of possible outfit combinations.

This resource pack contains eight activities based around water and personal finance education. Each activity is aimed at a specific age group at primary level and provides curriculum links to aspects of mathematics, science and PSHE. The activities are:

*[b]Needs and wants associated with water[/b]-Assess...

Published in July 2015, this report details the findings of the Durham University Shared Maths intervention project on pupils from 82 primary schools across four local authorities. The intervention was a cross-age peer tutoring...

ENTHUSE Partnership funding enables groups of four to eight schools and colleges to work together, with support from STEM Learning on a two-year intensive programme to raise aspiration and achievement in STEM subjects. Each Partnership can access up to £20,000 worth of support, including face-to-face CPD, in-school...

ESERO-UK (the European Space Education Resource Office for the UK) is an education project from the European Space Agency (ESA).

ESERO-UK has been established at the National STEM Learning Centre through funding from ESA and the Department for Education. ESERO-UK promotes space in the UK and the use of space...

This series of activities from NASA take a mathematical approach to looking at the Earth and its atmosphere. They are intended as supplementary problems for students looking for additional challenges in mathematics and physical science from age 11 to 19 years.

The problems were created to be authentic...

Easter is traditionally the time when the Easter bunny arrives with chocolate eggs and treats. This collection of resources highlight activities around the themes of eggs, chocolate and rabbits.

It includes:

  • investigations involving chocolate and egg shells
  • some mathematical activities...

A series of resources produced by Eden Project. The lessons include:

  • Darkness dwellers
  • Learning with leaves
  • Minibeast trackers

In this resource, produced by OPAL (Open Air Laboratories), children take part in a pond dipping session and then try to identify the different animals they find. A second activity looks at water quality and how the presence of certain species can indicate how clean the water is.

Designed for use in the...

This resource, produced by OPAL (Open Air Laboratories), aims to develop an awareness that there are different kinds of invertebrates in the environment which have different habitat requirements. It links to the topics of minibeasts, habitats and classification and is designed for use outside the classroom when...

Aimed at primary learners, this resource aims to develop an understanding of seed dispersal and the adaptation of bird beaks related to food choice. It is designed for use when visiting a wildlife area and links to the topic areas of plant life-cycles and interdependence and adaptation.

The materials,...

This resource, produced by OPAL (Open Air Laboratories), aims to develop an understanding that there are different kinds of earthworms in the environment with different habitat requirements. Linked to the topic area of all living things and their habitats, it is designed for use outside the classroom when visiting...

This UNESCO publication draws on a wide range of research into pedagogical approaches that aim to engage learners and lead to desirable outcomes in mathematics. The report looks to deepen the understanding of educational practices that optimise opportunities for mathematics learners.

The report aims to...

This UNESCO booklet summarizes the mathematics chapter from the 'Handbook of research on improving student achievement', published by the Educational Research Service.

The handbook highlights research on effective teaching and learning practices. The practices included reflect both emerging strategies and...

This research guide provides suggestions for teachers  looking to improve fraction instruction in their classrooms or schools. The recommendations are based on scientific research, along with the expertise and experience of successful mathematics educators, and include a variety of classroom activities and teaching...
