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The best teaching draws on the best evidence. 

Amid increasing calls for evidence-based practice in classrooms, teachers’ lives are usually too busy for them to comprehensively access and implement the best evidence we can find emerging from education research.

Best Evidence Science Teaching for...

This collection of Beta Mathematics resources, published by Schofield & Sims, was developed to cater for students of average or below average ability many of whom may have had reading difficulties. The course is covered at a slower pace than the Alpha Mathematics series. It also utilises suitable apparatus and...

This resource, published by Schofield & Sims, is the first in the Beta Mathematics series of text books which were developed for use by students of junior and middle school age. The structure is replicated in other books of the series and there are frequent...

This resource, published by Schofield & Sims, is the second in the Beta Mathematics series of text books which were developed for use by students of junior and middle school age. It continues the theme of previous books and allows students to review and extend their...

This resource, published by Schofield & Sims, is the third in the Beta Mathematics series of text books which were developed for use by students of junior and middle school age. It continues the theme of previous books and allows students to review and extend their...

This resource, published by Schofield & Sims, is the fourth in the Beta Mathematics series of text books which were developed for use by students of junior and middle school age. It continues the theme of previous books and allows students to review and extend their...

This resource, published by Schofield & Sims, is the fifth in the Beta Mathematics series of text books which were developed for use by students of junior and middle school age. It continues the theme of previous books and allows students to review and extend their...

This resource, published by Schofield & Sims, is the sixth in the Beta Mathematics series of text books which were developed for use by students of junior and middle school age. It continues the theme of previous books and allows students to review and extend their...

This resource, published by Schofield & Sims, is the first in the Beta Mathematics series of text books which were developed for use by students of junior and middle school age. The structure of this book is replicated in other books of the series and there are...

The Beyond 2000 report was the outcome of a seminar series initiated by Rosalind Driver and Jonathan Osborne at King’s College London. The series was funded by a grant from the Nuffield Foundation. There were four closed seminars and two open seminars. The report was edited by Robin Millar and Jonathan...

Looking to discuss the big, contestable questions in STEM? This collection of resources from The Economist Educational Foundation supports students to understand how the scientific and technological processes of the modern world are intertwined with political decisions and ethical calculations. They help develop...

The 'big ideas' section of the Fixpert's resource focuses on big ideas. It introduces students to designing as an approach to problem solving and to designing for the real world and real problems. In particular, students are encouraged to consider different users and their needs, along with ergonomics and human-...

This report, commissioned by the Wellcome Trust, evaluates Big Picture, its free publication on bioscience, and explores ways in which it could be developed. It was hoped that this summary of the main findings would be of use to other organisations developing materials for teachers and students, particularly those...

Simple and more advanced historical data sheets of survey data submitted by schools in previous years that can be used to answer statistical questions such as 'In which year did classes report the lowest number of starlings?' or 'Did we see more or fewer of each species than the average numbers from last year?'...

These activities, aimed at primary children, link to aspects of design and technology and literacy. Children follow recipes to make a variety of food for birds including pine cone lardy seed feeders, suet nut log and edible pictures.

This activity is part of the...
