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The loose fragments of material on the Moon’s surface are called regolith. This regolith, a product of bombardment by meteorites, is the debris thrown out of the impact craters. By contrast, regolith on Earth (called ‘soil’ as it contains organic material) is a product of weathering. ‘Weathering’ describes all the...

This resource, produced by ARKive, is designed to teach key stage two children about food chains, food webs and interdependence in different habitats around the world. A presentation using high quality images introduces the structure of simple food chains, food webs and how different organisms within ecosystems...

This series investigates unusual careers in science-related fields and finds out about commonly considered ways in which science can be put to use. 

This resource contains six activities that link to Forces. This unit is taught through the concept of a theme park, with children investigating a range of rides and rollercoasters. These resources are designed for use with mixed age groups classes of Year 5 and 6. Activities include:

  • investigating the...

The Wellcome Trust Monitor is a unique survey of UK adults' and young people's views of science, biomedical research and science education.

* Wave 1 (the baseline survey) was conducted in 2009 by the National Centre for Social Research who interviewed 1,179 adults and 374 young people.
*Wave 2 was...

The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute’s Public engagement...

From the Wellcome Trust, these short animations can be downloaded and used in the classroom. The animations help students to understand a range of biological processes and diseases. These include:
* The genome, methods used in DNA sequencing and the translation and transcription of DNA into proteins

Produced by the Wellcome Trust, these resources include an interactive evolutionary tree and a video of the Tree of Life. These materials will help students to find out more about the work of Charles Darwin and evolution. The resources contain:

Tree of life video: The video is a short...

This challenge is an opportunity for students to explore, experiment and innovate whilst designing a specialised wetsuit for paratriathletes who need specialised equipment to allow them to compete. Whilst the development in technology of prosthetic limbs, racing wheelchairs and handcycles has been substantial, no...

This Catalyst article looks at sperm whales and their ways of communications. Sperm whales can dive deep into the ocean. They use sound waves to communicate in the dark and to detect their prey.

This article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2016, Volume...

A Catalyst article about whaling. During the last century whales were hunted and killed by many nations for the valuable materials they provided. Whale populations collapsed as a result. The article looks in detail at this example of human impact on the environment and details whale populations throughout the world...

This animation explains the influence that genes have on our everyday lives, from the colour of your eyes to the way your body works, grows and develops. The resources include: * An animation which explains how we are made of cells, where our genes can be found, what genes do and how this leads to variation between...

This Catalyst article explains the use of stem cells to treat medical problems, and outlines new possibilities for the use of adult stem cells in treatment.

Currently, stem cells used for treatment are embryonic stem cells, since they have the ability to form any cell type in the body. The example of the use...

This short activity introduces students to the ideas of the footprint and resolution of an image, asking them to choose and use appropriate methods to calculate how these quantities would change as they moved a camera to a series of vantage points above the surface of the Earth
