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This article from School Science Review, describes the design, delivery, evaluation and impact of a CPD course for physics and chemistry teachers. A key aim of the course was to use the context of the James Webb Space Telescope project to inspire teachers and lead to enriched teaching of STEM subjects.


Get your pupils discussing the work of Nobel prize winner for physiology or medicine 2022, Svante Paabo, by looking at evolution and DNA sequencing with these resources.

  • Evolution - For primary aged pupils looks at how organisms adapt to their environment and think about adaptations for humans that...

The Royal Institution's 2022 Christmas Lectures - Secrets of forensic science, were...

The Royal Society is a an independent scientific academy in the UK, dedicated to promoting excellence in science.

This collection of resources from the Royal Society contains a variety of activity types and themes, such as why a career in science is for me, inspiring scientists and climate change, and the...

Published in 2008, this report from the TDA outlines the investigation into how professional development across Initial Teacher Training (ITT) and Early Professional Development (EPD) is manifested in secondary science teaching across England.


Edexcel’s GCSE Astronomy syllabus provides an opportunity for students to develop their understanding and enthusiasm for astronomy, as well as to complement and extend the reach of their study of Key Stage Four science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects.

This article from School Science...

The Solar Spark educational resources are produced by the SUPERGEN Excitonic Solar Cells Consortium. This is a group of research scientists from eight UK universities working together to do scientific research on Excitonic Solar Cells. Researchers work in the areas of polymer solar cells, dye-sensitised solar cells...

Patrick Organ and Barbara Watson, from the Forest Special School, share their ideas on using photography to support teaching and learning. The case study aimed to tackle how to record individual progress and achievement when teaching students with severe and moderate learning difficulties. A number of uses of...

Patrick Organ and Barbara Watson, from the Forest Special School, share ideas about using Velcro as a teaching and learning tool. Students with moderate or severe learning difficulties can find it difficult to take in information from a static display, and so teachers at Forest School use Velcro to make versatile...

This article, by L. Chapman, published in June 2002,  presents a small-scale case study of science assessment for students with special educational needs. The discussion is based on the appropriateness of the assessments as a means of monitoring achievement and in setting targets. It is argued that National...


Theory Into Practice, from the Nuffield Foundation, was published in the early 1970s when there were significant developments both in the style of science teaching in schools and in the arrangements for teaching education and professional development. The resource includes activities designed to help teachers to...
