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The Careers in Space workshop included inputs from: * Vicki Hodges on Astrium's STEM Ambassadors programme * Rosalind Azouzi on Space Tourism and the Next Generation * Lloyd Marshall on Apprenticeship opportunities with Astrium

From The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC), this information booklet is useful for those wishing to develop successful partnerships between schools and local science-based industries. It is a collection of papers that describe how different groups have encountered and handled major issues and...

Experienced teachers, working for The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC), have created over 100 teaching and learning resources and a suite of interactive and informative websites for use by teachers and students. They show how science works in real-life contexts and demonstrate how the chemical...

Charles is investigating whether there is life on other planets.  He studies life in extreme environments, such as in volcanoes or on the International Space Station.  He studied biochemistry at university and went on to study astrobiology and the possibility of life on other planets. 

There are two cuts of...

The aim of this survey was to evaluate the effectiveness of actions taken by local authorities in relation to children and young people who are missing from education or in danger of becoming so. It considers whether legislation and guidance support the local authorities effectively in protecting and educating them...

Chris is based at Boulby Underground Laboratory.  The laboratory is in Boulby Mine – the deepest mine in the UK.  The lab is in a salt layer over 1km deep underground, which means that it is in a very low radiation environment.  This location is ideal for performing experiments on dark matter and in astrobiology. ...

This series of science experiments from the National STEM Learning Centre and Network are presented as Christmas table demonstrations, using household equipment, but are also suitable for use in the classroom at both primary and secondary level to illustrate a range of scientific concepts.

This guide provides a wealth of information about the benefits of being involved in citizen science and how to incorporate it into the curriculum, with links to citizen science projects and resources.

Citizen science projects can range from discovering a new quasar in space, counting elephants in the...

A collection of primary and secondary resources on various topics linked to climate change. This collection supports STEM Learning’s Climate Change Education Partnership which brings together partners from education, research and the wider STEM sector to support climate change related lessons and activities in...

In this video from Osiris Educational Bill Rodgers discusses what effective colleague support can reasonably be given when dealing with behaviourally...

This Pedagogics resource uses the following quote from the Chinese philosopher Confucius: "Tell me...and I will forget. Show me... and I will remember. Involve me... and I will understand"

This resource from Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute is a hands-on classroom activity for Key Stage Two students that aims to support the teaching of topics such as microbes and hand hygiene. This interactive, practical activity demonstrates how microbes, such as bacteria and viruses, can be spread through surface...

At Bishop Challoner Catholic College in Birmingham, a STEM project entitled “Rockets in Motion” took place during the autumn term of the 2010-2011 academic year. The project ran through a series of after-school sessions led jointly by the science, technology and...

Published by the Wellcome Trust in 2007, this report is the product of a feasibility study for a touring exhibition to promote creative learning in science. The study involved:

* Evaluating the Trust's objectives for such an exhibition and making recommendations on the
feasibility of meeting these...

Students often seem uncomfortable when confronted with a science teacher talking about mathematics in a science lesson or a design and technology teacher talking about science in a design and technology lesson.

