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Roving with Rosalind is an education and outreach project funded by the UK Space Agency which presents Mars mission based classroom activities for primary and secondary schools as well as activity groups. The slides given here provide a very brief overview of the activities that have been produced and a...

A Catalyst article about working in materials science and engineering, the process of deciding which material is best for each application. The structure of materials, processing them and working in jobs and careers with them are explained.

This article is from Catalyst: GCSE Science Review 2007, Volume 17,...

Produced by JIVE (Joint Interventions), this set of information posters are for employers to illustrate how organisations can support and inspire women to enter and progress in Science, Engineering Technology and the Built Environment.

Hydrologists are principally involved in monitoring, managing and conserving the Earth's freshwater resources. They study the quantity, trends and implications of freshwater in rivers, lakes, reservoirs, aquifers and glaciers. They also monitor and analyse rainfall. A Levels: Geography, History, Physics


Joanne uses her skills and knowledge to advise satellite operators on the legal aspects of launching and operating a satellite in space.  With the growth of more commercial satellite companies there is a demand for more lawyers to advise and write the rules governing space activities across the globe. 


This STEMNET resource introduces John Gray who is a specialist engineer for the BBC. His role is crucial in ensuring that the programme production system used by local radio stations across England works properly.



Karsten works at the University of Leeds as a scientific researcher, in the School of Earth and Environment.  He uses images taken by satellites to look the movement of structures such as railways, roads and gas lines.  He also examines the movement of the Earth due to volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. ...


This Mathematics Matters case study, from the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, looks at how mathematics modelling can aid investigations into the circulatory system. Blood-related diseases can seriously harm patients’ quality of life and even lead to death. Many of these diseases are caused by...

Planetary scientists, Dr. Matthew Balme and Dr. Elliot Sefton-Nash, talk about how challenging it is to find a scientifically compelling site to land in, once the engineering considerations in terms of the landing has been taken into account.

This video is part of a series of ten which look at the one of the...

This case study describes Dr Ceri Brenner’s research at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratories into high power laser-plasma interactions, with a particular interest in laser-driven particle acceleration. Ceri explains why she enjoys her job, what qualifications she needed, what motivates her and what skills she has...

Libby works at the UK Space Agency, in Swindon.  She works with scientists and industry to ensure that they can run experiments on the International Space Station.  Libby works alongside astronauts who will be running the experiments on the space station.  She leads a team to ensure that research can be performed...

This careers leaflet from the APBI looks at the many careers options available in the Pharmaceutical Industry

The pharmaceutical industry discovers, develops and supplies new medicines to prevent and treat illnesses. To achieve this, it employs
talented and dedicated scientists who work together in...
