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In this Core Maths resource students are asked to apply their knowledge of upper and lower bounds when designing a car park for a department store. 

The teacher's notes suggest possible extensions, such as comparing with a real car park or finding possible profit if their design...

These two Future Morph resources aim to show students that there is a wide choice of options open to those who study sciences and mathematics. The resources consist of:

Career examples list

The list covers six...

The Careers in Space workshop included inputs from: * Vicki Hodges on Astrium's STEM Ambassadors programme * Rosalind Azouzi on Space Tourism and the Next Generation * Lloyd Marshall on Apprenticeship opportunities with Astrium

This toolkit explores the census and its significance in understanding population dynamics. Students can use the Census maps tool, Build a custom area profile tool and access raw data from the census. They can:

  • discover how statistical inferences are made about populations
  • compare different...

In this Core Maths activity students are invited to play a game using non-transitive dice, and explore the probability behind them.

Champion of the world: Teacher guide
This teacher guidance gives an overview of the task including prior student knowledge, suggested approaches and...

From the Integrating Mathematical Problem Solving project by Mathematics in Education and Industry (MEI), this activity for post-16 students demonstrates that the acidity of a solution depends on the number of hydrogen ions per litre; the number of hydrogen ions per litre varies so much that a logarithmic scale is...

In this activity from the Nuffield Foundation students use the Chinese postman algorithm, also called the Route Inspection Problem, to solve practical problems. The College Open Day problem provides an introduction to the concept, and asks students to investigate the minimum distance someone would have to travel to...

In this resource students are required to use moving averages to investigate evidence for trends in local temperature change. There are links to the very real political and scientific debates regarding the question of climate change.

Climate Change Overview This brief overview makes...

The Nuffield Foundation provides this activity which students use to create spreadsheets that model what would happen to the temperature of the Earth if there were to be a sudden change in the amount of radiation entering or leaving the planet. Students then investigate polynomial and exponential functions to find...

The Nuffield Foundation provides this resource which shows students how, given a set of measurements along an irregular coastline, it is possible to approximate the area of land which is lost to coastal erosion over a period of time. Coastal erosion A - this activity uses the context of coastal erosion to introduce...

Carom Maths provides this resource for teachers and students of A Level mathematics.

This thought provoking presentation introduces the mathematics of coincidences, challenges students to produce a spreadsheet which shows the probabilities of sharing a birthday, as well as highlighting the coincidence of...

This unit of work enables students to understand the risks, costs and potential benefits in the commercial exploration of space; and why decisions about scientific and engineering solutions need to take account of expert opinions from a broad range of disciplines.  Initially students work...

Use this presentation in conjunction with the poster to discuss and understand the role of the components of the immune system.

Carom Maths provides this resource for teachers and students of A Level mathematics.

This presentation introduces the Conics and provides a Geogebra file for students to explore how, by changing the eccentricity of a curve, the locus of a point is altered. They are also challenged to vary the constants of an...
