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This STEM Learning...

This Mathematics Matters case study, from the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, looks at how mathematical network theory helps to improve connections for global transport, internet and telephony networks. Modern society relies heavily on a variety of networks, but we don’t fully understand how they...

This STEMNET resource describes the background and career of STEM Ambassador David Bennett, a design engineer at a nuclear power station.

David's role is to ensure that any modifications made to the nuclear power plant improve safety and efficiency. He started work after gaining a degree in Mechanical...

This STEM Learning...

This Catalyst article describes the work of scientists detecting changes in the oceans. The working lives of three oceanographic scientists who are investigating the Gulf Stream are examined, as is the requirement for them to work closely with experts in other fields, such as: engineers, software developers and...

From The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC), this guide provides practical information and advice about organising a visit to a local science-based industry. Visits can be engaging, stimulating and profitable for the students, teachers and companies...

This activity allows students to  research and present data, using live job and apprenticeship vacancy information found at as a stimulus.  Students practise using mathematical tools to present information. The activity will  familiarise pupils with...

A case study from Mathematics Matters which looks at the development of optical fibres and how mathematical models have simplified the process of producing them. Modern society relies heavily on a variety of networks, but we don’t fully understand how they behave. Mathematical network theory lets us create models...

This STEM Learning...

Mechanical engineer, Tom Hunt, shows how precision machines are used to produce the PanCam instrument, which will be sent to the European Space Agency to be integrated on to the ExoMars rover.  Electronics engineer, Barry Hancock, shows the filter wheel being tested within the labs, at the Mullard Space Science...

Help encourage your child's STEM skills, passion and talent with this parents' guide to engineering careers.

Paul develops infrared telescopes to observe galaxies.  The technology has also been adapted to diagnose cancer by looking at chemical signatures in the human body.  He emphasises the importance of problem solving and programming skills to work in his role. 

There are two cuts of the video – one aimed at...

Perseverance is a NASA rover that landed on Mars, in February 2021.  The rover is searching for past evidence for life on Mars and collecting samples to be returned to Earth with a planned sample return mission, from NASA and the European Space Agency, ESA.  

This resource activity pack supports the video...

This case study describes how Steph Forrester became a senior lecturer in sports technology. Her research aims to support the development of better sports equipment for the user. ‘Better’ can mean helping an athlete achieve their personal best, providing greater comfort or allowing them to perform with greater...

From the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI), this interactive resource halps to answer questions that students have about the production of medicines and the careers available in the pharmaceutical industry.

There is a wide variety of questions on topics as varied as:

  • The...
