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This activity from the Nuffield Foundation introduces the use of moving averages and weighted moving averages to smooth out seasonal fluctuations in UK house prices, enabling the yearly trend to be identified. The data provided is adapted from The Halifax House Price Index spreadsheet and although the arithmetic...

Using the data from CensusAtSchool 2006/2007, this data analysis resource looks at trends in life expectancy in populations. Students consider both the primary data collected from CensusAtSchool and secondary data about life expectancy and major causes of death. A plenary asks students to consider what they have...

The activities in this workbook cover the ideas of statistical significance, type I and type II errors and the power of a test. The relationship between power and significance in the context of tests of means is considered and the final spreadsheet shows how to conduct a chi-squared test of association in a...

This series of activities from NASA take a mathematical approach to looking at image scaling, which is an important first step that all astronomers perform when looking at image data. They are intended as supplementary problems for students looking for additional challenges in mathematics and physical science from...

Classifying shapes:
the objective of this activity is to reflect on the Improving Learning in Mathematics session Mostly Shape and Space Session SS1. The activity asks teachers to consider what knowledge...

This resource from Susan Wall contains five activities designed to enable students to explore indices both numerically and algebraically. The resource features a number of activities dealing with negative indices and fractional indices.

Starter activities: contains two starter activities. In...

This RISP activity from can be used when either consolidating or revising ideas of curve-sketching and indices. The numbers phi, e and pi are used in this investigation where students are asked to estimate the size numbers generated when raising these numbers to different powers. It is suggested that a graphing...

This resource contains ten problems which require students to think, explore and explain the mathematical topic of indices and surds. The problems require students to not only be able to manipulate expressions containing indices and surds but also be able to explain and justify how conclusions are arrived at. A...

From the Integrating Mathematical Problem Solving project by Mathematics in Education and Industry (MEI), this activity for post-16 students shows how regular sampling of a variety of prices is used to get a measure of inflation. There is more than one possible way to do this. A measure of inflation is used to...

Mathcentre provide these resources which cover aspects of integration, often used in the field of engineering. They include linearity rules of integration, integration by parts, integration by substitution and integration as the reverse of differentiation.

Comprehensive notes, with clear descriptions, for...

Mathcentre provide these resources which cover aspects of integration and are suitable for students studying mathematics at A Level, as well as those students for whom mathematics is an integral part of their course. Some of the topics covered include integration as the reverse of differentiation, integration by...

The first of two RISP activities, Modelling the Spread of a Disease requires students to carry out a simulation of a disease spreading. Students carry out an experiment...

The aim of this activity is to encourage discussion about the nature of relationships between variables. It provides examples of relationships where there may appear to be correlation but not necessarily a causal relationship. The task is suitable for group or...

Scientists at the University of Oxford often use mathematical modelling as a key part of their research.  Modelling how information travels through social media sites is a part of understanding ways to analyse and potentially reduce the spread of misinformation.


This resource, from Susan Wall, contains a number of advanced level activities designed to practise and strengthen understanding of linear functions. Although students have worked with linear functions at GCSE connections between properties, equations and diagrams are not always secure. At advanced level students...
