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Produced by the Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS), this case study looks at the themes of progression, new jobs and careers in STEM. North Lindsey College has been developing a suite of activities to encourage local young people to choose STEM subjects, and reminding them of the opportunities that are...

The UK is at the forefront of research into Quantum Technology, where physics pushes the cutting edge of technological innovation. 

These resources, from the UK National Quantum Technologies programme, bring a-level physics and computer science bang up...

Kelly is a radiographer at Addenbrookes hospital.  She produces X-rays for doctors to use in the diagnoses.  She was a parent at a young age and decided to follow an access course for two evenings a week over two years.  She aims to specialise in an area of radiography and progress to becoming a senior member of...

A Catalyst article about careers using radiography in medical procedures. The article looks at a typical working day for a radiographer, the types of radiography used, how to become a radiographer and the qualifications available.

This article is from GCSE Science Review 2006, Volume 16, Issue 3.


Dr. Lewis Dartnell takes a sample from the Atacama desert, to the Open University, to be analysed by a Raman spectrometer.  The spectrometer shows the organic compounds that Lewis found on the quartz, as well as the composition of the quartz itself.

This video is part of a series of ten which look at the one...

RCUK Careers in Research provides a selection of stories providing an insight into life as a researcher and the different career paths which researchers’ take. The stories feature researchers from all seven Research Councils and cover a broad range of disciplines.


This report, by Dr Alison Wolf and published in March 2011, was commissioned to investigate the state of vocational education for young people aged 14 to 19. It was found that many courses offered very little value, offering no route to further education or prospects for meaningful employment.


This STEMNET resource describes the background and career of STEM Ambassador Ross Wattie, a risk management coordinator at an international integrated energy company.

Ross is currently involved in risk modelling to simulate different scenarios and assess their possible impacts. He has also found that his...

Produced by Rolls-Royce, this toolkit of careers resources helps students to see the connection between STEM subjects studied in school, college or university and future job opportunities. The resources are designed to help students to understand: * The wide range of jobs and industries which require STEM skills....

Ros Brain, Deputy Head Teacher in a primary school, recruited four STEM Ambassadors from STEMNET to bring alive the topic of poor sanitation for an activity day in her school.

The children got involved in a range of practical and fun experiments which were relevant not only to the themes of problem solving,...

Roving with Rosalind is...


Roving with Rosalind is an education and outreach project which presents Mars mission based classroom activities for secondary schools as well as activity groups. This collection of resources is funded by the UK Space Agency, and give students the opportunity to complete activities such as deciding a...

This collection contains a variety of STEM reports published by a number of different organisations.

The reports have been classified into the following sub collections:

*Post 16

*Professional development

*STEM evaluation reports

In these videos, STEM Ambassadors describe why they took on the role and the benefits both for the students they visit and for themselves. The first video, Auditioning the STEM Ambassadors, was made by students who tested 16 STEM Ambassador finalists of a competition to choose a number who would feature in a series...
