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This set of four profiles of UK industries give an overview of each one and is designed for students to gain an insight into careers available to people who have studied STEM subjects. The industries featured are the nuclear power, pharmaceutical, renewable energy and maritime industry.

Each profile includes...

This document from the Department for Education refers to the provision of information, advice and guidance (IAG) for young people. IAG covers a range of activities and interventions that help young people to become more self-reliant and better able to manage their personal and career development, including...

From the Department for Education, this resource is an accessible summary of good practice when delivering careers information and guidance. It will be useful for tutors, subject teachers, and careers advisers involved in STEM and other subject areas.

This pack from the Department for Education was developed for careers education and information, advice and guidance (IAG) practitioners to support their work in engaging tutors, subject teachers, personal and careers advisers in the business of STEM careers awareness.

The resources are designed to boost the...

Produced for the Department for Education, this document contains an extensive list of web sites that will be useful to practitioners offering information and guidance in STEM careers to young people.

A useful handbook for setting up a student-led STEM club, with exemplars from three schools.

It is increasingly recognised that giving students opportunities to act as ambassadors and mentors for STEM subjects outside of school can be of great benefit to the individual, their institution, and to the broader...

This resource describes how engineers at Rolls Royce apply physics and chemistry in the development of their engines, including how materials behave in extreme conditions, aerodynamics, thermodynamics, the use of computer modelling to look at forces and energy transfers, and the use of maths in performance...

These technical briefs focus on ways to transport goods and people in a relatively low cost way. This is important to people in the...

This STEMNET resource describes the background and career of transportation planner, and STEM Ambassador, Dan Cornelius.

Dan's role is to assess road schemes and their impacts on local and regional areas. He develops graphic models of the situation and location. This allows him to manipulate elements, such...

These technical briefs focus on low cost approaches to accessing clean water and sanitation. This is vital to health and well being and low costs are particularly important to poorer communities in the developing world.

Technical briefs are documents produced by Practical Action which are freely available to...

Produced by Rolls-Royce, this series of case studies illustrates the wide range of career opportunities that are opened up for students with skills in science, technology, engineering or mathematics. They can be used to give careers advice and guidance to students as well as to illustrate the curriculum principles...

Produced by NHS Careers, this toolkit provides background information and advice for schools and other organisations involved in arranging work experience for students in the NHS.
