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Published in March 2013, this report from Babcock Research  focusses on the qualitative and quantitative impact the Science Learning Centre has on CPD for technicians.

The full collection of STEM Learning impact and evaluation research reports can be viewed...

Published in February 2010, this study from the University of York's Department of Educational Studies, focusses on the impact of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programmes offered by the National Network of Science Learning Centres, in 2009-2010.

The full collection of STEM Learning impact and...

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A recognized expert in the field of mastery...

Image result for In a right state: the reflections of an education inspector



A visual guide to how the world really works, through stunning infographics and data visualisations, thoroughly revised, recalculated and reimagined for this new edition.

We are overwhelmed by information – from our phones, our televisions, our computers, our newspapers.

This is information like you...

This resource is based on the Inventive podcast. The podcast mixes engineering fact with fiction. Each podcast features an interview with an engineer. In this activity, electrical engineer Jack Howarth is the inspiration for poet Katrina Porteous to write 'Ingenious'.

Short audio clips about the engineer...

Kids walk into schools full of wonder and questions. How you, as an educator, respond to students’ natural curiosity can help further their own exploration and shape the way they learn today and in the future.

The traditional system of education requires students to hold their questions and compliantly stick...

Published in July 2012, This report from the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) presents the interim findings from a qualitative investigation into the impact on students of the subject-specific CPD undertaken by teachers at the National Science Learning Centre.


This collection of resources supports the International Women in Engineering Day, and provides some case studies of women working in engineering roles, and highlights some career opportunities. There are also resources which discuss gender stereotyping in the classroom.

Image result for Lateral thinking: a textbook of creativity


THE classic work...

Something happens in students when they define themselves as makers and inventors and creators. They discover powerful skills—problem-solving, critical thinking, and imagination—that will help them shape the world’s future … our future. If that’s true, why isn’t creativity a priority in more schools today?...


To differentiate instruction is to act on the belief that all kids...


The new field of learning design has the potential to revolutionize not only technology in education, but the whole field of teaching and learning through the application of design thinking to...


In 'The Learning Power...

Given the influence of digital technologies on the world at large education and educators are yet again being forced to consider their educational practices.  Not all educators have been socialised professionally to use technologies and therefore knowledge gaps exist.  This book adds to emerging conversations about...
