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A multiple choice quiz on the periodic table for A/AS level chemistry.

Although it is written for OCR AS/A level chemistry A and B (H032, H432,  H033, H433), it can be edited to suit your scheme of work.

A fun introduction to algebra within computer science via the medium of a card trick. This resource is part of the CS4FN series from Queen Mary, University of London. The resource consists of an introductory presentation and accompanying activity sheet for students.

Produced by Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS), this investigation enables students to investigate the response of leaf discs from sun and shade plants to green light

Leaf discs from a sun plant and a shade plant are put in a sodium hydrogen carbonate solution. The rate of photosynthesis is seen by how...

In this Core Maths activity students are invited to explore a range of casino based games to understand the probability, and likelihood of winning, when gambling.

The secret of winning: Teacher Guide
This teacher guidance introduces the reasoning behind the task, features of the...

This video shows the huge range of industries and sectors which students could work in with qualifications in STEM subjects.


This resource from OCR provides teachers with a summary of A level coverage and common misconceptions. There are also a sequence of activities to allow students to develop their skills in applying abstraction. These include use of Venn diagram to consider object properties, a binary representation of an image and...

This set of  activities from OCR illustrate the concept of concurrency in algorithm development. A teacher pack and learning activity packs are provided. Activities move from the familiar, division of labour when washing up, to the less familiar topic of writing programs using threading in Python. Routing and...

Within this resource from OCR students use their logical problem-solving skills to develop a cash register that will calculate required change. The task develops students’ logical thinking skills.They will...

In this Core Maths task students explore the question ‘On average, how many throws does it take to throw a six?’ Through this activity students can gain an understanding of ‘expectation’ as well as learning how to calculate summary statistics when the data is given in a frequency table.

Throwing a...

As part of the educational activities around the British astronaut Tim Peake's mission to the International Space Station (ISS), this project offers schools the unique opportunity to access and analyse ionising radiation data from the ISS. A variety of data sets will be available from the start with others being...

Purpose: An important form of investigation that can be difficult to manage in classrooms is ‘observation over time’. Fixed length lessons reduce the number of possibilities for observation to those changes that occur within minutes rather than hours. One solution to this problem is to use time lapse photography to...

Inspire as many students as possible with inspiring and inclusive messages about engineering.

This 12-page guide is for ambassadors, teachers, advisers and anyone delivering engineering activities or talks to groups of young people. With a handy preparation checklist and sections on ‘embedding careers...

Containing two linked activities, these resources from the CS4FN team introduce graphs to represent inter-related data and algorithms to negotiate them.

Suitable for non-programmers being introduced to algorithms, the two challenges – the Knights Tour and the Tour Guide – are similar. Both use graphs as...

This study, from the Nuffield Foundation, is a follow-up to the report 'Is the UK an outlier?', which examined mathematics education provision in 24 different countries and revealed that England, Wales and Northern Ireland have the lowest levels of participation in upper secondary mathematics. They were the only...
