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In this challenge students are asked to produce a 10 minute presentation highlighting their research on the sports facilities available to disabled people now and their recommendations to increase disability sports that are available in their school and local area.

Teams must show clearly how they arrived at...

This resource from the Nuffield Foundation provides simulated information regarding an invoice, phone bill and bank statement. Each document contains several errors and students will have to check the details carefully to establish the correct values. Copies of the invoice, phone bill and bank statement with gaps...

This Core Maths resource enables students to explore various models of the spread of disease. 

The presentation has links to instructions for three activities:

  • a practical investigation using a die and counters to model...

This teamwork-based activity provides a quick introduction to a teacher-led discussion focusing on the spread of disease and the importance of water treatment in preventing epidemics. Students use post-it notes to sort diseases into those that are water-borne and those...

The Nuffield Foundation provide this resource which can be used to introduce the shape and main features of proportional, linear, inverse proportional, and quadratic graphs. Different versions of Excel spreadsheets allow students to explore how the shape and the position of a graph changes when the constants in its...

This Science upd8 activity draws on the 1957 launch of the satellite Sputnik 1 which heralded a new stage in human exploration and prompted the development of rockets in the Space Race. In this role play, students consider the benefits and costs of space exploration. 

This resource from Inquiry Maths states "a square fits into a circle better than a circle fits into a square" leading to a rich task exploring areas, ratios and percentages.

A square fits better in a circle than a circle fits in a square describes the prompt and suggests a variety of ways in...

This Practical Action resource presents a fun hands-on and brains-on challenge for Key Stages Two to Five.

The problem:...

This activity involves matching 3-D shapes with plans and elevations. It may be suitable for group work. The first page of the handout shows an example of a 3-D shape with the plan, front and side elevations. There are five other pages of diagrams to be duplicated to make a card sort for the ten 3-D shapes.



Scratch is widely used in primary schools to teach children basic programming. This resource goes deeper, making use of the familiar Scratch environment to take students deeper into programming concepts such as:

  • Algorithm design
  • Parallel and sequential instructions
  • Event-driven...

This CensusAtSchool resource is based on key concepts needed by students doing GCSE mathematics, although it may be useful for an introductory review at A level or for strong Key Stage Three students. Pairs are asked to discuss statements on cards and decide, with...

This book, 'Finding out', from the Shell centre offers a range of materials designed to support students as they pursue extended tasks relating to statistical investigations. The analysis of real data which is of some personal significance can be much more rewarding for...

This resource from the Royal Statistical Society Centre for Statistical Education (RSSCSE) consists of the level 1 units. For each unit there are comprehensive notes giving an overview of the unit, the aims and objectives for that unit, and prior learning or prerequisites and the equipment required.

  • ...
