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This video explores how far a liquid can be sucked up a tube. The theoretical maximum if a vacuum is created above the liquid is 10.3m.  How well do they do and does the diameter of the tube affect the results?


A Catalyst article about the CLEVER car, which has been designed to be a compact, energy-efficient car. As more and more people want to get about within cities and towns, the problems of congestion and pollution are increasing. Motorcycles and bicycles take up less space and produce fewer emissions than...

This video uses a gambling scenario to consider taking risks. Some elements of probability theory are introduced.


This resource includes two activities, demonstrating how to read and write to and from external text files. The first example shows how to use Python to create a html web page, which is then opened in a browser. The second program displays fading titles pulling data from an external text file, in this case a '...

This resource from the Institute of Physics (IOP), describes how X-rays can be used to image the body. The X-rays video, taken from an IOP Schools and Colleges lecture, describes how Roentgen discovered how to image using X-rays, in his lab. The lecture also describes how barium and iodine can be used to to image...

In this article from Catalyst, a series of images shows how X-ray technologies have improved over the last century.

The article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2014, Volume 25, Issue 2.

Catalyst is a science magazine for...

A Catalyst article about X-rays. The medical profession does its best to avoid X-raying young people, but sometimes the benefits outweigh the hazards. The benefits go beyond discovering broken bones; X-rays have played a major part in discovering the structure of DNA. The article looks at the history of X-rays, how...

From the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), this brochure describes the leading role played by UK scientists and engineers at universities, observatories and research council establishments in X-ray Multi Mission-Newton (XXM-Newton). Using XMM-Newton, astronomers will be able to pinpoint and study in...

This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes all the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

Carom is an extra-curricular maths club which operates at Paston College in Norfolk. Jonny Griffiths has developed these materials to provide the opportunity for students to explore different aspects of mathematics which will also broaden their skills and encourage them...

Carom is an extra-curricular maths club which operates at Paston College in Norfolk. Jonny Griffiths has developed these materials to provide the opportunity for students to explore different aspects of mathematics which will also broaden their skills and encourage them...

A Catalyst article about International Heliophysical Year (2007-08) - a year of scientific collaboration, studying the Sun and the impact of its radiation on the Earth. How the Sun is changing and the history of solar research is examined.

This article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2007, Volume...

A Catalyst article looking at the methods used to power rockets. Solid rocket boosters and liquid fuel rockets are the two main propulsion systems used to power rockets and solar power is used to drive electrical equipment. This article looks at these power systems and the future for rocket science.


Getting the right answers in maths is only half the problem. Understanding why what you’re doing works is the part that often stumps students and teachers alike. Does maths feels like a collection of random rules and steps that somehow lead you to an answer? Don’t worry you’re not alone. Ask yourself: why do we...
