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Cambridge University glaciologist Professor Julian Dowdeswell has spent three years of his life in the Polar Regions.

As Director of the Scott Polar Research Institute at the University of Cambridge, this film follows him to Greenland and the Antarctic as his...

This video introduces the idea that engineers are working on solutions to help people. "Engineering makes a...

This video introduces the idea that engineers are working to save lives and save our planet. "...


This video is a brilliant introduction to the positive impact that engineers make on our world.

This resource forms part of the This is Engineering campaign.


This resource is an interview with Pavlina - a light painter.


This video is a brilliant introduction to explaining the work that engineers do.

This resource forms part of the This is Engineering campaign.


This video explores how technology has always been expected to replace teachers.  It concludes that a teacher’s purpose is not to transmit information, but to guide the social process of learning. To challenge, inspire and excite their students to want to learn.


This Catalyst article looks at thorium - a heavy element, similar to uranium. Some people think that it could be the nuclear fuel of the future, as it can be used as the fuel in a fission reactor - and it appears to be much safer than uranium.

This article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2014,...

This video explains how our preconceived ideas of how objects move can distort our understanding of Newton’s laws of motion, creating misconceptions.

1.            An object with no unbalanced force acting on it will naturally come to rest.

2.            An unbalanced force causes an object to move...

In this Core Maths task students explore the question ‘On average, how many throws does it take to throw a six?’ Through this activity students can gain an understanding of ‘expectation’ as well as learning how to calculate summary statistics when the data is given in a frequency table.

Throwing a...

A selection of resources where you can find out more about British Astronaut Tim Peake and his mission to space. 

This video is a message to ESERO-UK from European Space Agency astronaut Tim Peake. He talks about studying STEM subjects and how he became an astronaut. The video includes images of a launch, Tim engaging in various astronaut training exercises and the International Space Station, where Tim will be for six months...

