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The University of York Science Education Group ensured that all the Science in the Environment packs were organised according to broad environmental themes. Within each pack, a number of specific contexts were used to introduce the science content. In addition, each...

The University of York Science Education Group ensured that all the Science in the Environment packs were organised according to broad environmental themes. Within each pack, a number of specific contexts were used to introduce the science content. In addition, each...

This investigation fits in well in material properties where you can investigate and determine the thermal conductivity of a good conductor such as copper.  Searle’s Bar apparatus is required for this, but you could develop your own by looking at CLEAPPS for advice.

This booklet, produced by Dr. Lucie Green, from the Mullard Space Science Laboratory, and funded by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), contains four simple activities to enrich the teaching of solar system science. The activities are: Keeping Safe in the Sun – learning about UV and sun cream; Sun...

This activity allows students to investigate how images are produced from data streams by using first a spreadsheet and then an image-processing program. They then go on to see how the usefulness of such a monochromatic image may be enhanced by using lookup tables and calibration. The materials used focus on the...

This multimedia package was developed by the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme to support and extend the teaching of sensors to students aged 14-19. The development and use of sensors is a rapidly growing area. Students should already have some familiarity with sensors through their use in a classroom context in...

This resource contains the fourth session of the Active Approaches to Level Three Applied Science, produced by the Science Learning Centres and the Nuffield Foundation. The session looks at developing assignments, their learning objectives and structure and warns against malpractice and plagiarism. It also...

Alkaseltzer rockets

 These materials look at three possible projects that relate to sustainable transport:

* Communications project - students gather information and produce a balanced view on the costs and benefits of using hydrogen as fuel for vehicles.

* Practical project - students investigate the factors that affect...

These materials look at three possible projects that relate to cleaning products and tackling microbes that spread disease: * Communications project - students act as health promotion specialists trying to persuade people about the need to wash hands after using the toilet. * Practical project - students...

Students research, and then try out, ways of detecting analgesic compounds in mixtures:

• Chemical tests for particular organic functional groups.

• Paper and/or thin-layer chromatography to separate and identify analgesic...

Produced by Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme, this activity is about information storage and retrieval, about books and journals and about comparing print with electronic information storage.

Students carry out...

Produced by Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme, in this activity students first carry out an Internet search to find websites that would be helpful in answering specific questions about a science topic. They evaluate the usefulness and reliability of different websites. In the second part of the activity,...

This activity, from the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme, helps students to develop their skills in assessing information. Students consider what they need to look for in an information source to be sure that it is reliable. Students consider the peer review process of a professional journal and compare this...

This activity, from the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme, helps students to examine the claims to truthfulness of statements of different kinds. The aim is to become more critical of the use of language and to develop a constructive scepticism when assessing primary and secondary information. Students are given...
