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This was one of the six Special Studies to feature in the Revised Nuffield Advanced Chemistry course. Each student was expected to work through one of the studies in about four weeks. The aim was to show students how chemistry is applied in agriculture, industry, and...

Teachers’ Guide I and Students’ Book I of Revised Nuffield Advanced Chemistry covered the eleven topics which constituted the work suggested for the first year of the course.


Teachers’ Guide II and Students’ Book II of Revised Nuffield Advanced Chemistry covered the seven topics which constituted the work suggested for the second year of the course. Students were also expected to work though one Special Study.


In the Nuffield Advanced Physics course, published by the Nuffield Foundation, the original authors were keenly aware of the need to design an end-of-course examination that was not only technically 'reliable' but was also 'valid', in that it tested the stated aims of...

The Revised Advanced Nuffield Physics included a plan summarising the relationship of the work to topics covered earlier for each of the units. The guidance offered many teaching suggestions, including details of the suggested experiments and demonstrations. There were...

Published by the Nuffield Foundation, the Revised Advanced Nuffield Physics included a plan summarising the relationship of the work to topics covered earlier for each of the units. The guidance offered many teaching suggestions, including details of the suggested...

The notes in this booklet described the models on the models disk designed for use with the Dynamic Modelling System, in the Revised Nuffield Advanced Physics course. Most of the models described were relevant to any advanced level physics course at the time. At the...

This RISP activity, The answer's 1: what's the question?, gives students graphs containing shaded areas enclosed by two functions. Examples of a straight line and a quadratic graph, a cubic graph and an exponential graph are used. Given that the enclosed area has a value of one, students are asked...

Two Repeats covers the revision of algebraic topics including changing the subject of a formula, graphical solution of equations, solving simultaneous and quadratic equations and manipulating surds.


Two RISP activities designed for students to explore or consolidate ideas about integration.

Introducing e requires students to use a graphing package to explore a variety of functions of the form y...

This resource supports students to research and discuss the field of robotics and artificial intelligence (AI). The resource provides a series of student tasks that explore the topic of whether robots are a threat to humanity. This resource would work well as a research topic for students undertaking projects in...

Routers pass packets from network to network. This activity explores the relationship between efficient packet transfer and topology. Although it is aimed at younger students, this practical activity can often reinforce understanding while also...

In this activity from the Nuffield Foundation, students carry out an experiment to collect data about a trolley rolling down a slope. They then use this data to simulate the motion of a train by fitting a quadratic curve to their data, using a graphic calculator or spreadsheet. The slideshow provides an...

From the British Science Association, these resources give useful guidance and tips for running a public engagement in science event. This could be as part of the Association's annual National Science & Engineering Week (NSEW). Two guides are included in these materials.


This resource is based on a Russian fable about deciding which girls from the village should be married. The aim of this resource is to allow students to meet a different type of problem involving listing of possible outcomes. Once outcomes are listed the probabilities...
