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This resource provides six activities linked to the weather and seasonal changes. Children look at weather forecasts, observe the weather and set up weather stations to record...

Students devise, produce and perform a science show for parents or other students in the school. This can be related to particular events happening throughout the year. With guidance, students or children of any age can devise their own show.

In this activity children explain that different fruit and vegetables grow during different seasons and assemble their own seasonal salads. These resources include an advice sheet to support setting up cooking with your class, cards showing which fruits and vegetables grow well in the various seasons and cards to...

This series of spotter sheets are useful when identifying living things in their habitats at different times of the year. They contain sheets for each of the seasons include sheets which help to identify:


This report sets out the recommendations of an independent Review of Teachers’ Standards, chaired by Sally Coates. The review was launched by the Secretary of State in March 2011 with a remit to review the existing framework of professional standards for teachers. The Review Group comprises excellent teachers, head...

The Teaching Primary Science book Seeds and seedlings contains many suggestions for class organisation and for activities relating to this topic. It acknowledges and makes suggestions for addressing the problem of what to do between sowing seeds and producing seedlings...

This activity highlights comparisons between the life cycle of a frog and basic programming, exploring sequencing through flow charts and loops and repetition. Link science and computer science together in the cross curricular activity.

Our first activities introduce your child/ren to:...

In this session you will help your ...

Our first activity introduces children to the fakebot (a printed or drawn Beebot). It allows your child/ren to explore through play what something can or cannot do. This is known as tinkering.

Please see the session plan for further guidance. 

This week's activity continues to use a fakebot (a printed or drawn Beebot) to create numbers. 
Many of the concepts and approaches built into this lesson support computational thinking (problem solving):
• They use decomposition to break down the numerals into sections, making it easier to write the...

In this session you and your child will be looking at an online safety story created by Childnet International for 3 to 7 year olds. You will join in with Mummy Penguin’s song and follow the adventures of Smartie the Penguin as he learns how to be safe on the internet. You will find a range of resources and...

This week's activities allow your child/ren to: ...

This week we continue to use a fakebot and review the terms ‘algorithm’ (a set of steps, instructions or rules) and ‘debugging’ (fixing an error) as the children learn to create instructions for a programmable device. We make the fakebot travel around shapes and then stars.

Please see the session plan for...
