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This collection of STEM education reports explores science education Post 16.

The reports include:

* The challenges of STEM provision for further education colleges - this report documents the activities and conclusions of a research project undertaken by the 157 Group, supported by the Gatsby...

Published by LSIS, this report gives interim findings from a programme investigating the gap between the numbers of learners studying science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in schools at A Level, and those studying in Further Education (FE). This interim report provides insight into barriers to...


The resources in this Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) collection look at fuel poverty and the topical issue of the cost and efficient use of energy. There is an emphasis on the use of functional mathematics to analyse and interpret published facts and figures. The resources can be used individually...

This activity considers displaying data from a practical investigation looking at the effect of streamlining a boat's hull. It gives students the opportunity to consider how this information can be represented effectively and use this to form conclusions. The...


A comprehensive, 60-page PDF guide detailing everything you need to know about 3D printing in the classroom. The chapters included in this guide are:

  • An Introduction to 3D Printing
  • Getting 3D Printable Files
  • Preparing Files for 3D Printing
  • 3D Printing Tips for the Classroom...

This collection of STEM education reports explores professional development across the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM subjects). The reports include:

A recommended code of governance for schools: a flexible framework for strategic planning

Space for technicians?


Castlebrook High School was aware that many of its feeder primary schools found it difficult to deliver exciting STEM projects. In this project they aimed to...

Produced by the Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS), these case studies describe work done by practitioners to support learners’ progression through STEM, whether from school to college, or to HE or employment.

The projects, drawn from organisations across the FE and skills sector, explore a...

This guidance is aimed at businesses and other organisations looking to provide support and inspiration for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in schools.  It is based on consultation with teachers, further developed through debate between teachers, businesses and learned societies.  Teachers...

Chris is a project engineer with E.ON. In this video Chris explains how his physics teachers at school were the inspiration for him to go into his current role, following a school trip to a nuclear power station. He discusses his experiences after completing a degree in Aeronautical Engineering and how he went on...

With the introduction of the revised National Curriculum programmes of study, one of the Hampshire Leading Mathematics Teachers’ (LMT) core groups decided to focus on activities to promote cross-curricular STEM work in schools.


This resource considers how different subject areas can explicitly promote the learning of social and emotional skills. It provides an outline of how social and emotional skills are linked to subjects both in general terms and more specifically within each of the 2008 National Curriculum programmes of study. The...
