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This activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), allows students to compare old and new technologies (railway five-pointer telegraph against the SMS message) to experience how significant the advances in technology have been. The nature of...

Using LDRs and sparkles, the student learns how to code a nightlight coming on only once it gets dark. Digital switches can also be incorporated into this.

The Nuffield Design and Technology Teacher's File for Key Stage Three contains a large number of resource tasks which can be included in lessons. These short, focused activities are presented as instruction sheets and are intended to increase technical knowledge, skills and design strategies.

The file...

Nutrition was one of the four topics that featured as a separate area of study in the Nuffield Home Economics course for students aged 14–16. The course emphasised the influence of food choice on health. The authors appreciated that entrenched attitudes to food and...

People and Homes was one of the four topics that featured as a separate area of study in the Nuffield Home Economics course for students aged 14–16. Students were encouraged to recognise the inter-relationships between people and their home environments. The topic drew...

The Basic Course of Nuffield Home Economics was designed for students aged 11–14. The project was supported by the Nuffield Foundation and devised in collaboration with trial schools and with industrial consultants.


The Basic Course of Nuffield Home Economics was supported by the Nuffield Foundation and devised in collaboration with trial schools and with industrial consultants. The textbook and teachers’ guide were supplemented by a pack of photocopiable worksheets and overhead...

Fibres and Fabrics was one of the four topics that featured as a separate area of study in the Nuffield Home Economics course for students aged 14–16. The aim was to allow students to learn textile science in a way that would be useful to them in everyday life.


Food Science was one of the four topics that featured as a separate area of study in the Nuffield Home Economics course for students aged 14–16. The course was designed to help students understand the scientific principles underlying the practical work they would do in...

In this resource learners will explore why scientists are engaged in research at the bottom of the Antarctic and Arctic Oceans. They will understand the importance of collecting samples of organisms...

This resource provides a set of videos and a practical investigation aimed at supporting working scientifically in the classroom and relating science to real world experiences. In the first video Professor Brian Cox joins a teacher to find out how to set up and run an investigation into the effect of increasing...

These materials, from Waste Watch (part of Keep Britain Tidy), have been developed to make explicit links between sustainability and packaging for students following GCSE level design and technology courses. The scheme of learning includes suggested activities for five active learning sessions, supported by the...

Students are introduced to 4 different scales of production that they may come across, one-off, batch, mass and continuous through a video clip showing a wide range of products which they need to categorise into a type of production. Details are given on the characteristics of one-off production, and how it can be...

In this activity, students are introduced to Maglev technology as a way of reducing the friction between the tube and the train in a vacuum tube train. Students are presented with the scenario that in 2025, the UK has been invited to invest £100 billion towards the...

Inspired by the Born to Engineer video from Faye Banks, an engineer who works on the UK electrical network, this resource supports students to increase their understanding of engineering and the design decisions that electrical engineers have to make when creating a new electrical network.

