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Brilliant Women: Amazing Artists and Designers

Retelling their triumphs and adversities, Brilliant Women celebrates gifted and talented women who followed their dreams and...


These resources focus on the concepts of the material life cycle and sustainability. The activities encourage creative thinking around how materials may be recycled, such as to build a home or building, as well as where raw materials have come from and how they may be returned to the Earth, or what they may become...


In this cooperative board game, players have to build a new thriving city where people are happy. Players begin with a blank canvas - a vacant plot on which they must develop residential, commercial, and industrial areas, gradually creating new neighbourhoods. As players decide where to build, they must consider a...

The Collect package of resources supports students to try out user-centred design principles,  helping them to collect information about their chosen theme for the V&A Innovate challenge. The resources encourage students to explore, listen to people, observe and uncover everything they need to know to help...

From Practical Action, this resource is an eco-tool used to compare the sustainability of two products or design ideas.

This teacher's guide, from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, introduces six design and technology teaching activities and explains how they can be used and adapted. It includes an overview of design in the circular economy, including an exploration of how pioneers have rethought design and why it has needed...

This project consisted of 11 activities which were trialled by London schools, with the support of STEM Ambassadors.

Participating schools and their students benefited through enhanced teaching of key STEM subjects, brought about by providing students with real, engaging activities that use cutting-edge...

This mock exam tests student understanding of the ethics involved in being a designer. Questions look at sustainability, life cycle analysis and the impact of design on society.

In this book, the author analyses design's role within the consumer society, and discusses what our obsession with it tells us about the present state of our own culture.

This book acts as a guide showing how design can reduce pollution, overcrowding, starvation, obsolescence and other modern ills, leading us towards a new age of morally and environmentally responsible design. 

This journal is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

Displaying Futures is an...
