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This report sets out the recommendations of an independent Review of Teachers’ Standards, chaired by Sally Coates. The review was launched by the Secretary of State in March 2011 with a remit to review the existing framework of professional standards for teachers. The Review Group comprises excellent teachers, head...

This is one of a set of resources developed to support the teaching of the primary national curriculum. They are designed to support the delivery of key topics within design and technology, maths and science. This resource focusses on developing understanding of levers.

Levers are one of the simplest forms...

Produced by the Hamilton Trust, these materials give children some some hands on experience and revision of what they already know about electricity and circuits through a circus of activities.

Can they complete and repair circuits? What dangers does electricity pose?

Produced by the Hamilton Trust, these materials look at fixing faults in electric circuits. Children start the session with some drama before turning their attention to some circuits in need of attention.

Children repair broken circuits and identify repairs needed using circuit diagrams.

This activity from Hamilton Trust, helps children investigate the properties of electric circuits. It provides a concept cartoon, which is a...

These materials, from the Hamilton Trust, challenge children to identify the differences between series and parallel circuits. They work in small groups to create circuits and switches.

This resource pack introduces the concepts of shelter and shelter deprivation around the world to students in Key Stage Two. It highlights the challenges people face in their daily lives when their homes do not provide adequate shelter. It linked to the curriculum areas of design and technology, geography and PSHE...

Siemens have created a number of high-quality engaging online interactive games and activities for pupils of all ages covering many aspects of the STEM curriculum.  Topics range from cybersecurity to carbon emissions; programming to dressing a site worker in appropriate personal protective clothing. Many of the...

These Six for Six activities enhance key stage two pupils understanding of the human body through real-world examples of Siemens technology, engineering or manufacturing principles. The unit of work is split into 6 sessions and all sessions give pupils the opportunity to extend their learning beyond the operating...

These Six for Six activities enhance pupils' aged 7 to 11 understanding  of the world around them and how advances in technology, engineering or manufacturing principles drive it. The unit of work is split into 6 sessions and all sessions give pupils the opportunity to extend their learning through practical...

Aimed at primary level, this pack contains a range of different activities which take sixty seconds and are intended to stretch the imagination. The activities cover a mixture of topics including: materials and their properties, Earth and space, forces, living things and their habitats, mathematical puzzles and...

In celebration of its founder, Fritz Schumacher’s centenary year Practical Action have created Small Is...Challenge. Schumacher’s philosophy was based on the idea that even a small change can have a big impact on people’s lives. The challenge for students is to look at technologies from the last 100 years and...

Through energy use, each UK home creates around six tonnes of carbon dioxide a year. Much of this is the result of electricity generation. In this activity, from the Centre for Science Education and the Comino Foundation, students look into the advantages and disadvantages of the Smart Meter – an innovative device...

This resource includes examples of real technologies which can be used as inspiration to children from age 7 to 16. Following on from the challenges that Tim Peake and his clothing will face in space, these case studies include background information for teachers, supporting Powerpoint slides, and example...

A selection of smart conservation STEM activities combining design and technology, biology, geography and zoology for creating a technology enabled habitat for a zoo.
