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In this collection of beautifully written essays, Mishra, Henriksen, and the Deep-play Research Group challenge myths about technology and creativity, debate time-honored instructional...

Students often seem uncomfortable when confronted with a science teacher talking about mathematics in a science lesson or a design and technology teacher talking about science in a design and technology lesson.


The Crumble “Getting Started” guide includes an overview of the Crumble software and a step-by-step guide to writing your first program. It also covers:

  • Sparkle control
  • Motor control
  • Using inputs (digital and analogue)
  • Using variables and maths in your programs

From the design and technology QCA, QCDA and Ofqual collection, these resources outline the curriculum required for various ages of student, along with subject criteria for examinations.


This book offers some simple ways of drawing curves and studying their properties. It also looks at what happens when changes are made to the construction rules.




Easy to follow instructions and numerous colour illustrations take the reader through an in depth course on the wonderful techniques of cyanotyping (blueprinting) on fabric, a method from 1841 for...

In this activity, from the Institution of Engineering and technology (IET), students are introduced to how the present body centric antenna, plus prosthetic technology, could be compared to science fiction ‘cyborgs’. Students are also asked to discuss ethical issues...



Published in September 2010, this summary of an online survey looks at design and technology (D&T) teachers’ attitudes towards CPD.

The full collection of STEM Learning impact and evaluation research reports can be viewed here


This report from Ofsted looks at the provision for excluded pupils. Schools and local authorities are required to provide full-time and suitable education for pupils from day six of fixed-period and permanent exclusions. This survey evaluates the extent to which a sample of schools and local authorities were...

Students who play with objects, listen to music or find other...

This resource from Siemens consists of an interactive online game and some curriculum linked extension resources.  The activities inform students, aged 11 to 16, about various features of the climate crisis and then challenges them to draw all the information together to form an overall view. 

In the game...
