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This unplugged activity from the CS4FN team uses two examples – an insulting computer and one that can play snap – to look at simple computer programming, flow of control and logic. Everything is provided for this front-of-class activity, which would act as an effective starter for a lesson on programming concepts...


In this activity from the CS4FN team, learners are introduced to algorithms in the context of artificial intelligence. They are challenged to beat a ‘piece of paper’ at a game of noughts and crosses. By following a simple algorithm, the piece of paper becomes very difficult to beat. The algorithm is a sequence of...


In this Science upd8 activity students use their understanding of simple circuits, electricity and magnetism to diagnose and fix problems with the running of a magnetic train in a theme park.

Using the context of archaeological science, students investigate the food and diet of the people of Stonehenge and the nearby settlement of Durrington Walls, 4500 years ago. There are opportunities for students to test rates of reactions between milk and acids or enzymes used in cheese making, to consider the...

In this SATIS Revisited resource students consider the conflict between the increasing use of energy and the need to reduce the use of fossil fuels in order to lessen carbon dioxide emissions and tackle climate change.

The aim of this unit is to introduce the idea that the discussion of controversial issues...

This Cape Farewell video clip provides a general introduction to the voyage of The Noorderlicht to Svalbard and to the Cape Farewell scientists Simon, Val and Sarah. The scientists discuss their work with two teachers, Mike and Subathra.

The presentation called...

The poster ‘The Never-Ending Battle for Fortress Plant’ illustrates ideas about plant defences against pathogens. It depicts the plant as a fortress which is defended against invading pathogens. The poster is accompanied by a presentation, which can be used as a step-by-step walk-through of the ideas in the poster...

Published in May 2016, this empirical study explores the enactment of Japanese Lesson Study by science teachers in four secondary schools in England. The aim of the study is to develop a deeper understanding of Lesson Study (LS) as a model of teacher professional development (PD). Lesson Study (jugyou kenkyuu)...

This paper from the May 2016 Using STEM Research Conference investigates the ways in which real world contexts can be used in D&T lessons, from local projects such as community gardening to global concerns such as climate change.

Author: Kay Stables

This lesson plan and classroom presentation explores some of the skills and knowledge needed to work in the field of biomechanical engineering. Combining knowledge from Biology, Design and Technology and Engineering, it asks students to investigate the design and development of a prosthetic arm. 


This IET DIY Faraday Challenge asks students to design and prototype a new attraction for Thorpe Park leisure park. Students must work in teams to design and prototype their new attraction.


Three circles are shown touching and sharing a common tangent. The radii of the two larger circles are given. The challenge is to calculate the value of the radius of the smallest circle....

A new procedure which creates babies with the DNA of three people has just been given the go ahead in Britain. In this activity, students learn how it can help women with a serious inherited condition to have a healthy baby and why it is deemed so controversial. They describe how to create an embryo with three...
