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This book on cosmology, from the Royal Astronomical Society, provides a good primer for those teaching A-level physics courses or GCSE Astronomy.

The resource begins by introducing the history of measurements in...

A case study from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) which looks at the forensic evidence and intelligence that are left at crime scenes by footwear, gloves, tyres and fingers. New Latent Image Markup and Analysis (LIMA) software provides a fast, accurate way of transmitting and...

This Catalyst article investigates the ideas traffic police use about speed, acceleration and force to determine what happened during road accidents. The article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2014, Volume 25, Issue 2.

Catalyst is a...

If you teach or work with students between the age of 11 and 19 and you want to inspire and motivate them to get involved in real science, then Crest Awards may be the vehicle to deliver this.

This guide, from triple science support, has been produced for teachers who are looking for activities with...


This activity, from the Association for Science Education (ASE) has been developed specifically to deliver science and history teaching through the context of space travel.

Cross-curricular activities strengthen links with other departments in a school, and help students to integrate their scientific...

Two worksheet based activities that can be used to identify the impacts of technology upon people to sustain their communities in the future. The first activity considers the cultural impact upon sustainability with key questions to research and the second task is an analysis activity looking at cultural, economic...

This Catalyst article looks at salt, in particular the process of extracting salt from the sea in the salt factories of Trapani in Sicily. Located on the west coast of the island, the saline (salt ponds) were probably started by the Phoenicians around 3000 years ago. The article also looks at the structure of salt...

This Catalyst article looks at NASA's Mars Curiosity rover, the automated chemistry lab which landed safely on Mars in August 2012. Capable of analysing samples from the planet's surface and atmosphere, the rover will undertake two years of experiments in the hope of discovering even more about our neighbouring...

From triple science support, the resources in this collection look at how schools adapt their curriculum to teach...

In this activity students investigate the mystery of a light beam which seems to bend.  Students can investigate:

  • Qualitative behaviour of light  when the medium in which it propagates changes its refraction index. 
  • Quantitative evaluation of the behaviour of light in refraction by means of...

'What do materials scientists do? They investigate the properties of materials. Sometimes they try to make a material for a purpose. Sometimes a material is discovered and they explore its potential uses. The properties of all materials must be rigorously assessed.'

These practicals and videos use a...

Seven activity sheets produced by the Institute of Physics (IOP) to accompany the MODEL Project's Cutting Edge Materials video.

Worksheet one takes an overview of the topic. Worksheets two - seven are targeted at specific sections of the video.

Answers to all the worksheet questions are provided in...

Six groups of practicals produced by the Institute of Physics (IOP) that help students to find out more about how science is applied to using and testing new materials.

In addition to the guidance included for specific activities, please refer to the generic health and safety information before commencing...
