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A Catalyst article about the work of Damian Murphy a music technologist. Acoustics and sound are examined in addition to the physical modelling and acoustics of buildings and environments, both real and virtual.

This article is from Catalyst: GCSE Science Review 2007, Volume 17, Issue 3.



In this activity developed by the Institute of Physics, students model the motion of a planet around a star and investigate how day and night and seasons may be different on other planets. Working in pairs or small groups, students demonstrate night and day and seasons to each other. They can then go on to model...

This kit is designed to facilitate a structured debate about whether electricity pylons should be built in the countryside. The different ‘rounds’ of the debate help students think through the issues and reconsider their opinions. The structure also shows them how to build a discussion and back up their opinions...

This pack has all you need to facilitate a structured debate on the controversial topic of whether the town centre ought to be for self-driven cars only. The structure shows students how to build a discussion and back up their opinions with facts. The pack provides outline guidance for four imagined but...

The premise of this activity is that the school is sending a rover to Mars. Its mission is to search for evidence that life has ever existed there. It is the job of the class to decide where the rover should land on Mars. They will do this by working in groups and investigating six potential landing sites and...

A Catalyst article about the first generation of nuclear power stations. When these stations reach the end of their useful life this article looks at what is involved in decommissioning them and how the process is affected by the properties of radioactive elements.

This article is from Catalyst: GCSE Science...

The 2013 Institute of Physics Schools Lecture - Defying Gravity: Laura Thomas, an independent science communicator with a background in astrophysics, talks about the physics of space flight. She explains how studying physics and mathematics could...

Produced in 2015 and filmed at the ESERO-UK Secondary Conference, in 2014, this video shows teachers talking about the benefits of bringing in ideas from cutting edge research and technology into the classroom. They describe how information about current space research and missions can help their teaching. The...


In this programme, from Teachers TV, David Richardson from the Institute of Physics demonstrate his physics experiments on...


A pair of videos that investigates the density of different materials.  The first allows students to see an experiment on the density of regular and irregular objects from home. The second part outlines the calculations used to work out the densities of cylinders of different materials. This is a required practical...
