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This Core Maths task explores how standardised scores can be used to make comparisons.

The materials include a list of pupils and their marks in different subjects. They also contain the mean and standard deviation scores for each subject. By standardising the scores the...

This lesson aims to give a flavour of behavioural ecology in the context of African field work, using role play. Some students play the part of baboons, interacting with each other in the same way as a wild baboon troop. Other students play the biologists, studying the baboons in their natural habitat and trying to...

In this activity, alcohol and air are mixed in a large plastic water bottle before being ignited, to simulate the physics principles of...

From Rolls-Royce, these materials are designed to show students the exciting range of careers that are available for students with science, technology, engineering or mathematics skills.

This resource aims to help students see the link between classroom STEM subjects and opportunities in the world of work....

Work done in this Nuffield 13 - 16 module followed from the S unit called ‘Power’. This D unit provided enough material for eight double periods during a Further Science course and built on the content of the S units for Single Science. The teachers’ guide included six...

This lesson focuses on the reliability of computer systems, and specifically how this applies in the case of self driving cars, and what some of the implications might be if this reliability is not demonstrated. Students begin by...

In this activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), students read about a Wi-Fi system (often called WLAN — wireless local area network) and produce a diagram to show how the ‘wireless’ part is, by necessity, short-range. Mostly, the signal is...

This Study Plus unit from the National Strategies aims to develop students’ understanding of angle properties in shapes. It begins with the idea of tiling a floor and which shapes will tessellate.

After an initial emphasis on discovering angle facts from regular polygons, the unit moves on to using angle...

This booklet is part of the ‘Innovations in Practical Work’ series published by the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme (SEP). One of the most important questions facing us all is how we will use the planet’s energy resources over the coming decades. Many people believe that wind power can make a vital...

In this activity, students explore the requirements of aerodynamic design through testing simple shapes in a wind tunnel and explain the link between the test results from a wind tunnel and air resistance. The activity focuses on students acquiring an understanding of...

This resource from the IET Faraday programme, supported by MEI and Tomorrow's Engineers, provides students with the opportunity to explore the mathematics behind wind turbines, including fractions, ratio and solving equations.

"A wind turbine is a device that converts the wind's...

This resource helps students think about who the winners and losers are when making product choices.

This activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), introduces students to Wi-Fi, its properties and capabilities, using a real-life scenario as the context.

Body centric communications have...

Purpose: The use of sensors to measure variables in practical science activities has long been linked to the use of data loggers. This is no longer the case. Free software apps on mobile devices can link directly to one or more wireless enabled sensors. This significantly reduces cost and complexity, whilst...
