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Activities in this resource aim to:

  • celebrate the achievement of completing the Human Genome project in 2003
  • show the relevance of genome sequencing today
  • explain the methods used for DNA sequencing, including the illumina method of rapid sequencing and the shotgun sequencing
  • ...

In this activity developed by the Institute of Physics, students model the motion of a planet around a star and investigate how day and night and seasons may be different on other planets. Working in pairs or small groups, students demonstrate night and day and seasons to each other. They can then go on to model...

In this Science upd8 activity students take on the role of forensic science technicians who are acting as expert witnesses for the murder of Angel. Students analyse blood splatter patterns to check whether the murder weapon used was a hammer. They also watch a demonstration of a blood viscosity test to check...

In this Science upd8 activity students take on the role of forensic science technicians who are acting as expert witnesses for the murder of Angel. By analysing blood splatter patterns, they check whether the murder weapon used was a hammer. They also watch a demonstration of a blood viscosity test to check whether...

This kit is designed to facilitate a structured debate about whether we should sequence the genomes of a million people in order to find out more about living longer and healthier. The different ‘rounds’ of the debate help students think through the issues and reconsider their opinions. The structure also shows...

This resource from Siemens consists of an interactive online game and some curriculum linked extension resources.  The activities inform students, aged 11 to 16, about various features of the climate crisis and then challenges them to draw all the information together to form an overall view. 

In the game...

The premise of this activity is that the school is sending a rover to Mars. Its mission is to search for evidence that life has ever existed there. It is the job of the class to decide where the rover should land on Mars. They will do this by working in groups and investigating six potential landing sites and...


Produced by The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC), this resource looks at the testing of materials in the context of dentistry. Students first look at the properties of teeth and the nature of toothache before going on to test materials for a range of properties.

Experimental methods...

In this resource, students design a new glove for use in a sport of their choice. Students may find it helpful to talk with local people who partake in their chosen sport. The P.E. Department may be able to suggest suitable contacts.

A selection of tests, activities and factsheets are available for the...

This activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), introduces students to how we see communications developing to help others.

The resource is designed so that students will:


This SATIS Revisited resource is a structured group discussion activity, which looks at the use and abuse of drugs to enhance sporting performance.

The unit provides a rationale for teaching about ethical issues in science for students age 14–16. The aim is to introduce the idea that the discussion of...

Produced by the Learning and Skills Improvement Service, this activity takes students through a step-by-step approach to understanding the basic principles of distance-time and velocity-time graphs. Working through the activity will help students to:
* Understand the terms distance, time, velocity and...

Produced by the Science Museum, this resource sees students working in groups to explore the issues surrounding genetic testing. Students receive a sealed secret box, that contains a chance card. Opening the box represents taking a genetic test. Students have to decide whether they would want to open the box. In...

The oceans are become more acidic. This is due to an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere through the ...
