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The STEM Knowledge Network based at King Edward’s Stourbridge has developed a range of materials to further the active use of statistics within the sciences.

These have been trialled in some subject areas and are...

This collection of resources is from the evolving Government agencies that have maintained and developed the National Curriculum and associated assessments, tests and examinations, advising the Secretary of State for Education on these matters. 


The Qualifications and...

This very successful citizen science project is run annually by the RSPB. It is an ideal opportunity for pupils of all ages to identify different bird species and count the numbers they see in the school grounds. Details about the competition and the RSPB supporting materials can be found...

This activity booklet uses the real life context of air traffic control using radar signals to identify the position of an aeroplane that students act out. It provides them with an opportunity to use their knowledge of waves and speed = distance / time to calibrate and calculate the distance a plane is from the...

This series of activities from NASA take a mathematical approach to looking at radiation, and will make the student familiar with many forms of radiation, how it is measured, and what different doses can lead to over time. They are intended as supplementary problems for students looking for additional challenges in...


The purpose of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Mapping Review, published by the Department for Education in 2004, was broadly to:

• investigate whether STEM initiatives currently being taken forward address the concerns raised about the decline in demand of university places in...

This Powerpoint was presented at...

This report, by Dr Alison Wolf and published in March 2011, was commissioned to investigate the state of vocational education for young people aged 14 to 19. It was found that many courses offered very little value, offering no route to further education or prospects for meaningful employment.


This STEMNET resource describes the background and career of STEM Ambassador Ross Wattie, a risk management coordinator at an international integrated energy company.

Ross is currently involved in risk modelling to simulate different scenarios and assess their possible impacts. He has also found that his...

Produced by Rolls-Royce, this toolkit of careers resources helps students to see the connection between STEM subjects studied in school, college or university and future job opportunities. The resources are designed to help students to understand: * The wide range of jobs and industries which require STEM skills....

Ros Brain, Deputy Head Teacher in a primary school, recruited four STEM Ambassadors from STEMNET to bring alive the topic of poor sanitation for an activity day in her school.

The children got involved in a range of practical and fun experiments which were relevant not only to the themes of problem solving,...

Roving with Rosalind is...


Roving with Rosalind is an education and outreach project which presents Mars mission based classroom activities for secondary schools as well as activity groups. This collection of resources is funded by the UK Space Agency, and give students the opportunity to complete activities such as deciding a...

This collection contains a variety of STEM reports published by a number of different organisations.

The reports have been classified into the following sub collections:

*Post 16

*Professional development

*STEM evaluation reports
