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A guide to 12 different engineering disciplines showing different pathways into engineering, to support students with their career decision-making.

Engineering is a diverse, wide-reaching sector and it can be hard to decide which of the many areas to pursue. In this booklet you will find an overview of...

These resources suggest a range of activities that can be used to illustrate different aspects of STEM professions.

They were developed by the Centre for Science Education at Sheffield Hallam University and Babcock for the former Department for Children, Schools and Families as part of the initiative to...

Magna is a manager in the fund accounting at Fidelity, she discusses her role in this video. Magna, raised in Zimbabwe, is responsible for a variety of back office duties associated with fund accounting. After completing A levels, Magna worked in a tax office as she could not afford to go to university, but...

Future Morph was a careers website, provided by the Science Council, designed to provide information for young people, their parents and teachers about the jobs available from studying science and maths. It aimed to show young people that studying science and maths post-16 could provide them with the skills and...

This resource contains information comparing qualifications in the UK and Ireland as well as the second video in the "Quiz the scientist" series.


Future Morph Careers Quest was developed for students attending one of the the Big Bang science fairs. In the activity, students question exhibitors about aspects of their work and how they had chosen their particular career.

Whilst developed for an exhibition context, the resources can suggest questions for...


In this Future Morph video Suresh Chawla talks about designing, building and moving stage scenery. Suresh explains how working in the theatre challenges him to solve design problems and build useable solutions. He describes how scenery must be light and strong before explaining how some pieces are moved with pulley...

