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The Gaia spacecraft is a European Space Agency mission to map one billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy.

This resource includes a teacher’s guide, with suggested teaching sequence for the resource, and background information for both the teacher and student on the Gaia mission.  It also includes an...

The Gaia spacecraft is a European Space Agency mission to map one billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy.

‘Using the LCO and ESA Gaia data archives to find Type Ia supernovae targets – Student Guide’ – this guides the students through the process of data-mining the Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO) and Gaia...

The Gaia spacecraft is a European Space Agency mission to map one billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy.

‘Introductory Activity – Hubble expansion’ – Students use spreadsheets and sample data from historical supernovae to produce lightcurves and calculate the distances to the supernovae, leading to a...

A selection of activity packs published by the European Space Agency (ESA) on topics related to climate change.

This collection contains case studies and evaluation studies from work funded by or associated with ESERO-UK. ESERO-UK is the European Space Education Resource Office, otherwise known as the UK Space Education Office.

Funded by the European Space Agency and the Department of Education, the ESERO-UK is part...

ESERO-UK (the European Space Education Resource Office for the UK) is an education project from the European Space Agency (ESA).

ESERO-UK has been established at the National STEM Learning Centre through funding from ESA and the Department for Education. ESERO-UK promotes space in the UK and the use of space...

EURING promotes international collaboration on all aspects of scientific bird ringing, particularly in Europe and along the Eurasian African flyway. These sharable data sets can be used across the curriculum to develop data science skills.

This sample of a teacher guide introduces basic robotics using Lego EV3 hardware and software – the activities are based upon a single robot model which can be constructed from the education core set.

Students learn about basic movement of the robot rover in the context of space exploration.This context...

This paper, from the Department of Education, presents statistical information on the difference in final grades between those students who are entered early for GCSE examinations and those who are not. The potential impacts associated with early entry are highlighted for consideration, by those responsible for the...

This Science upd8 resource is set in the context of astronomy. Astronomers have found the most Earth-like planet outside our Solar System. Through analysing data students justify whether or not they believe the 'new' planet to be Earth-like. 

Earth Day is an annual event where people can participate in numerous events to show their support for environmental protection. The theme for Earth Day 2024 is 'Planet vs. Plastics' and is focussed on ending plastics for the sake of human and planetary health, demanding a 60% reduction in the production of all...

This excel file shows the Greenwich Meridian, lines of longitude and parallels of latitude. It treats the Earth as a sphere. On the interactive sheets the position of two points on the globe can be altered.

There is a...

This series of activities from NASA take a mathematical approach to looking at the Earth and its atmosphere. They are intended as supplementary problems for students looking for additional challenges in mathematics and physical science from age 11 to 19 years.

The problems were created to be authentic...

