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In this resource from the European Space Agency, students learn about changes of state of matter using water on the Moon as an example. They interpret data from a pressure vs. temperature graph for water to enable a discussion about how changes of state are different on the Moon compared to what we are used to on...

Nearly two hundred years after Faraday wowed his audiences by demonstrating electromagnetic induction, this clip takes a variety of exciting and contemporary examples through which to explain the principles behind the phenomenon that has made it possible to produce and distribute electrical energy on a large scale...

This Catalyst article looks at life in extreme environments on Earth which can suggest how life might exist on Mars. One of the developments in recent years that really opened up scientists’ eyes to the possibility of life on Mars has been the realization of just how adaptable and versatile life on Earth is.


A Catalyst article examining the basic functioning of the eye and what can be done to maintain function when something goes wrong. In particular, the article looks at problems with focus, cataracts and colour blindness and how these problems can be detected and treated.

This article is from Catalyst: GCSE...

F1 Challenge, from the Centre for Science Education, is a set of teaching materials which offer a cross-curricular approach to learning about engineering. Students build and modify a model F1 car based on ideas used for the F1 in Schools competitions. These ideas can be...

These resources aim to broaden students' knowledge of careers in science whilst linking the curriculum to some of the work which scientists carry out at FERA in York.   The primary resources provide a context for pollination, biodiversity and classification, and the secondary resource supports those sections of the...

A challenge testing mathematical, communication and teamwork skills.


This Catalyst article describes how human faces contain a wealth of information about the individual - so how do we go about interpreting faces?

This article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2016, Volume 26, Issue 4.


In the 1970s astronomers took an image of a region of the surface of Mars called “Cydonia“ which resembled a face.   ...

These fact sheets, from the National Physical Laboratory, are ideal posters for the classroom. They include illustrations and images to accompany the text. The following curriculum areas are covered: 

  • Acoustics: sound, frequency and ultrasound
  • Einstein: relativity, mass energy relation and...

This resource is part of a collection of Nuffield Maths resources that explore Algebra and Maths. The demand is roughly equivalent to that in Higher Level GCSE and Level 2 Functional Mathematics.

In Factor Cards, learners practise expanding brackets and/or factorising quadratic expressions.

This resource contains two interactive excel programs which enable students to investigate cubic functions and the relationship between the factorised form and the graph.

