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This resource features four short tasks that involve creating, re-arranging and solving equations.

One of the tasks looks at selling tickets for a concert. Students must form two equations connecting two variables and then solve the resulting simultaneous equations. They then go on to interpret their answers...


Published by the Wellcome Trust in 2007, this report is the product of a feasibility study for a touring exhibition to promote creative learning in science. The study involved:

* Evaluating the Trust's objectives for such an exhibition and making recommendations on the
feasibility of meeting these...

Creative Use of Odd Moments contains seven activities which are ideal for use as starter activities, extension questions or to develop mathematical thinking and problem solving. Each activity is accompanied by teacher notes, supplying the answers and explanations of the mathematics involved....

This resource explains the check digit algorithm invented by Hans Luhn. This algorithm is widely used for both credit and debit cards to check small errors in the input of card numbers, using the final digit on the card as a check. 

The instructions clearly show how to apply the algorithm, and invites...

If you teach or work with students between the age of 11 and 19 and you want to inspire and motivate them to get involved in real science, then Crest Awards may be the vehicle to deliver this.

This guide, from triple science support, has been produced for teachers who are looking for activities with...

In this project, students make their own aspirin or paracetamol and then test the purity of the pain-reliever and compare it to shop-bought.  This covers titrations, chromatography and other analytical techniques.

The aim of this project is to investigate the properties of alcohol/water mixtures, and how these properties can be used to measure alcohol content. The alcohol in drinks is ethanol, C2H5OH. However, the ethanol used in the laboratory has been methylated by adding 5% of methanol, CH3...


This booklet in the Griffin Technical Studies series provides practical activities in which students investigate aspects of forensic science. The resource can be used as part of cross-curricular learning and case studies are provided to encourage logical thought, debate and discussion and decision making skills....

In this resource students are given four coordinate points and asked to find the equation of the lines that connect them. The four lines intersect to form a rectangle- can students find the area of the rectangle?

Each student worksheet contains different coordinate points, but the solutions all have...

This problem is an interesting variation on ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’. All three bears start eating their porridge at the same time but at different rates. The time is given for Daddy...


This activity, from the Association for Science Education (ASE) has been developed specifically to deliver science and history teaching through the context of space travel.

Cross-curricular activities strengthen links with other departments in a school, and help students to integrate their scientific...

Students often seem uncomfortable when confronted with a science teacher talking about mathematics in a science lesson or a design and technology teacher talking about science in a design and technology lesson.

