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A Catalyst article about how burning fossil fuels releases extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which contributes to global warming. However, burning renewable biofuels is part of the normal carbon cycle and does not contribute to an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide. This article looks at the ways in...

This Catalyst article examines the differences between fossil fuels and biofuels. At present, fossil fuels are used to provide most of our global energy requirements. Fossil fuels are a finite resource as they take millions of years to form and the remaining supplies are being used at a greater rate than can be...

These We Are Aliens! related biology activities for the class room have been devised by Chris Carr. The resources includes practical activities and worksheets. Supporting videos demonstrate the activities. The following curriculum areas are covered: • Cell biology • Food tests, including starch, sugar, protein and...

Produced by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), these naked Scientist podcasts look at biology questions in an accessible and informative way.


A Catalyst article describing how glow worms and other insects emit light by bioluminescence. All over the world, on land and in the sea, living things have been making light for millions of years. From the glow of the sea on a dark night due to myriads of phytoplankton, to the dance of the male fireflies trying to...

These resources can be used as a context to look at 14-16 and post-16 biology curriculum areas of:

• vision and the eye

• structure and function of the retina

• development and use of biomaterials

• tissue transplants and stem cells in the treatment of human disorders

• working...

Biomedical Horizons is a multi-pronged project, funded by the Wellcome Trust, designed to raise awareness and spark discussion about the biomedical sciences – from pursuing a career to their role within society.

The aim of this resource is to:
* raise awareness of biomedical sciences and the variety...

This brief article taken from CS4FN looks at how a user authenticates themselves to a computer could be used as the starting point for class discussions around passwords, security, biometrics and other related topics concerning how users...

A Catalyst article describing how new materials can be designed by studying natural materials and how they work. In particular the development of Velcro, military fabric, swimwear and waterproofing is looked at. These products were developed by scientific study of natural products such as plant burrs, pinecones,...

This Catalyst article investigates biomimetics and discovers how scientists are finding ways of copying ideas from nature to improve products. The article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2015, Volume 26, Issue...

A Catalyst article looking at the use of plant cells to generate electricity via photosynthesis. This branch of science is called biophotovoltaics. The Sun is the ultimate source of energy for almost all life on Earth and harnessing this energy is one of the great scientific and technological challenges....

From the National Non-Food Crops Centre (NNFCC), these two podcasts explore a range of applications and issues in the biorenewables sector. They are primarily aimed at a commercial audience but may be of use to teachers who want to gain a better understanding of plant-derived materials or, when used in part, as...

This poster illustrates how biotechnology is used to develop new medicines, grow new tissues and organs, and genetic testing.

A cluster of practical activities for students to explore biotechnology involving viability of yeast, fruit juice production, milk products, fungal inhibition and microbial growth curves.

The Birmingham Institute for Forest Research (BIFoR) is home to the BIFoR FACE facility, one of the world's largest climate change experiments where 150 parts per million extra of carbon dioxide is added to areas of the oak forest, to predict the impact on the ecosystem 50 years into the future.

BIFoR has...
