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A useful handbook for setting up a student-led STEM club, with exemplars from three schools.

It is increasingly recognised that giving students opportunities to act as ambassadors and mentors for STEM subjects outside of school can be of great benefit to the individual, their institution, and to the broader...

In this video from Osiris Educational Bill Rodgers discusses his...

Students who refuse to follow instructions are among the most...

The Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Coordinating Centre (EPPICentre) was commissioned by the Wellcome Trust to undertake this systematic review of research about subject choice. The main aim of the review was to examine the factors that influence the STEM subject choices of young people (14-19...

To celebrate the 2024 Summer Olympic games we have created this collection of resources covering a variety of sporting activities and technology in sport topics. There is a collection for primary level and another with activities suitable for secondary students. 

This report, published by the Science and Engineering Education Advisory Group in January 2012, addresses many of the challenges and opportunities arising in implementation of the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) as it affects the delivery of STEM education and engagement. It examines the ways in which STEM...

Launched in 2005 and funded by the Department for Education, Teachers TV was originally a television channel which aimed to provide support for both new and experienced teachers, school leaders, support staff and governors. Many of the programmes were filmed inside real classrooms, with teachers sharing good...

The Royal Society is a an independent scientific academy in the UK, dedicated to promoting excellence in science.

This collection of resources from the Royal Society contains a variety of activity types and themes, such as why a career in science is for me, inspiring scientists and climate change, and the...

This Toolkit Talks video covers parental involvement.


This Toolkit Talks video covers social and emotional learning...

This document from the Department of Education looks at approaches to managing behaviour throughout the whole school at both a primary and secondary school. As part of the managing behaviour and bullying in schools case studies the resource explores: *Staff response to misbehaviour *'Golden Rules' and tickets *...

World Meteorological Day takes place every year on 23rd March and commemorates the establishment of the World Meteorological Organization. This collection includes a number of activities looking at the weather and climate, from measuring weather phenomena such as rainfall, wind direction and speed, to using 3D...

These resources can be used to help celebrate World Ocean Day which was started to encourage people to unite and take action to protect and restore the ocean. There are separate collections of resources for both primary and secondary aged pupils.

This list highlights a number of resources that could be used for by different subject areas for different age groups on World Rivers Day.  The theme of rivers covers a wide range of STEM topics from building bridges, harnessing their energy to generate electricity, to their importance in terms of the provision of...
