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From triple science support, this case study illustrates how a school's science and mathematics departments...

From triple science support, this case study illustrates how a school used a combination of identifying potential triple science students as early as Year Eight...

From triple science support, this case study illustrates the steps taken by a school in moving away from a stereotypical view of triple science as being academic...

From triple science support, this case study illustrates how highlighting the different characteristics of the sciences and developing an enviable programme of...

From triple science support, this case study illustrates how a school provided extra lessons before school to...

From triple science support, this case study illustrates how a school changed the options system to make triple...

From triple science support, this 2007 report summarises the main findings from a number of case studies of how...

From triple science support, this case study illustrates how a school has used student questionnaires and focus groups...

From triple science support, this case study illustrates how a focus on providing adequate curriculum time for triple science, moving towards a three year Key Stage...

From triple science support, this publication illustrates how schools that are preparing to introduce Triple Science...

From triple science support, this publication provides advice for schools exploring the possibility of introducing Triple Science GCSEs. It focuses on strategies for raising attainment generally but within the context of Triple Science.


OPM conducted an evaluation of the Triple Science Support Programme (TSSP) across the years 2014- 2016 of the programme, to evidence the extent of impacts of the programme on three key groups: teachers, students, science departments, senior leaders, and whole schools. 

Published in August 2014, this is the final report of the three-year evaluation of the Triple Science Support Programme (TSSP) and the two year evaluation of Triple Science Networks (TSN).

The full collection of STEM Learning impact and evaluation research reports can be viewed...

Triple science support helps schools, managers and teachers plan, develop and deliver Triple Science GCSEs. The programme offers schools training, consultancy, networking opportunities, resources and publications. This collection contains some of the materials that are useful in the delivery, development and...

This Catalyst article looks at peatlands which usually conjures up images of bleak, boggy hillsides across Northern Europe, Russia and the USA. But peatlands are also found in the tropics. These currently act as a significant store of carbon, yet these valuable ecosystems are under threat; their disappearance could...
