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Patrick Organ and Barbara Watson, from the Forest Special School, share their ideas on using photography to support teaching and learning. The case study aimed to tackle how to record individual progress and achievement when teaching students with severe and moderate learning difficulties. A number of uses of...

Patrick Organ and Barbara Watson, from the Forest Special School, share ideas about using Velcro as a teaching and learning tool. Students with moderate or severe learning difficulties can find it difficult to take in information from a static display, and so teachers at Forest School use Velcro to make versatile...


This Cape Farewell video clip provides a general introduction to the voyage of The Noorderlicht to Svalbard and to the Cape Farewell scientists Simon, Val and Sarah. The scientists discuss their work with two teachers, Mike and Subathra.

The presentation called...

This short animation film joins the alien, Paxi, as he investigates the water cycle. He explains how...

This video explains the relationship between mass and weight.  It then shows how the car’s weight is quite distinct from its inertia (how hard it is to move it in a horizontal plane).


The video states that the velocity (v) of a wave moving along a string is related to the strings tension (T) and its mass per unit length (μ).  The unit of tension is the Newton (N) and the unit of mass/length is kg/m.

A simple interrogation of the formula v = √(T/ μ) shows that as T increases so too does...

This activity supports learning in science and history, using the context of Dr Edward Jenner’s work on developing a vaccine for Smallpox.
Using a wide range of secondary sources of information children find out about different people’s views on vaccination in the early 1880’s. Using this information they can...
